
W. Lee Duncan duncan at
Wed May 31 22:25:34 AEST 1989

In article <3693 at udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> don at vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Donald R Lloyd) writes:
> [...]
>  I've tried the following:
>     chsh tcsh
>     chsh /usr/local/tcsh
>     chsh tcsh /users/ (my user ID #)
>     chsh /usr/local/tcsh /users/(my #s again)
> [...]

Note that the shell names that chsh(1) will accept are *compiled in*!
So, if it won't take your requests to change your shell talk to your
system administrator.  He/She can either (1) just edit the /etc/passwd
file (assuming a non-YP system, of course), or (2) if source for
chsh(1) is around, update/recompile it.

W. Lee Duncan, Data General, RTP     - "How can you be two places at once
UUCP: {world}!mcnc!rti!dg-rtp!duncan -  when you're really no place at all"
DOMAIN: duncan at         -                Firesign Theatre

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