Version 7.31 of XBBS

Sandford Zelkovitz sandy at conexch.UUCP
Fri May 5 10:37:03 AEST 1989

XBBS, version 7.31, is now online for downloading. This new version has
the following enhancements over 7.30:

1) SIGHUP is now trapped which enables a more complete accounting of the
   user activity. The callers file now contains the termination information
   along with the time that was left to the user. <also other things!>
2) The questionnaire software has been enhanced.

For users of XBBS, version 7.30, the following files have been modified:
bbsc12.h   bbsc1.c   bbscadds.c   bbscqust.c    bbscport.c

Sanford <sandy> Zelkovitz    XBBS   714-898-8634   19.2K/9600/2400/1200
...!uunet!zardoz!alphacm!sandy         ...!att!hermix!alphacm!sandy
...!trwrb!ucla-an!alphacm!sandy        ...!sco!hermix!alphacm!sandy

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