dbx screwing up...

Ross Parker parker at waters.mpr.ca
Wed May 3 09:40:00 AEST 1989

We have seen a bizarre problem with dbx when trying to debug a very large
(tens of thousands of lines) application. This is Ultrix 2.2 on a
Microvax II. The problem is that when a breakpoint is set in a particular
function (i.e. 'stop in functionname'), the source displayed with 'list'
is not always the first executable line of code. In the particular case that
I just witnessed, the line that was displayed when the breakpoint was reached
was about the fourth executable line. In addition, setting a function with
'func', then listing with 'list' does not always start listing at the first
line within the function. It is exactly as if the source being read is
different from the one used to compile with, but I know that's not true (yes,
I have checked).

Any ideas?

Ross Parker      uunet!ubc-cs!mpre!parker       |
Microtel Pacific Research Ltd.			| You can't erase the dream,
Burnaby, B.C.,					| you can only wake me up...
Canada, eh?					|

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