'foo bar' <- What's the meaning of?

Sam Bassett RCS samlb at pioneer.arc.nasa.gov
Thu Aug 9 15:15:41 AEST 1990

	During World War II, there was an expression: "FUBAR" standing,
approximately, for "Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition" (= total chaos, as
perpetrated by the Military Mind).  Most of the classical hackers were
old enough to have heard the phrase used by their parents and older
brothers, and applied it to the mass confusion of computerdom.
	They were also lazy typists, so they brok it up into two short
words, foo and bar, according to the way it was pronounced by Americans.

	This is probably in "Frequently Asked Questions . . ."

Sam'l Bassett, Sterling Software @ NASA Ames Research Center, 
Moffett Field CA 94035 Work: (415) 604-4792;  Home: (415) 969-2644
samlb at well.sf.ca.us                     samlb at ames.arc.nasa.gov 
<Disclaimer> := 'Sterling doesn't _have_ opinions -- much less NASA!'

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