'foo bar' <- What's the meaning of?

Vicki Brown vlb at magic.apple.com
Thu Aug 9 08:17:26 AEST 1990

In article <994 at netmbx.UUCP> docbrain at netmbx.UUCP (Frank Seidinger) writes:
>Hi Netters!
>   Maybe i am really stupid, but what i never understood is the meaning
>   of 'foo bar'. What stands this for. I really see it everywhere as
>   examples for nearly everything. It's a real problem to me (and maybe
>   for the million others, they don't try to ask).
>   Is 'foo bar' better to understand if you are not german?

As I have always understood it, this is a corruption of FUBAR, which 
supposedly was coined in the US Army.  The Acronym stands for:
		Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition
(Other F-words may be substituted :-)

Has anyone heard a different etymology?
   Vicki Brown   A/UX Development Group		Apple Computer, Inc.
   Internet: vlb at apple.com			MS 58A, 10440 Bubb Rd.	
   UUCP: {sun,amdahl,decwrl}!apple!vlb		Cupertino, CA  95014 USA
              Ooit'n Normaal Mens Ontmoet?  En..., Beviel't?
          (Did you ever meet a normal person?  Did you enjoy it?)

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