problems with RCS

Tom Armistead toma at ozdaltx.UUCP
Mon Aug 6 05:55:39 AEST 1990

In article <9008032053.AA01234 at>, tr at writes:
> Using "co", I checked out a source code file.  Then I modified it.
> Checking it in with "ci" failed.  I got
> 	[ example deleted ]
> diff failed?  Why?  How?  I have an RCS directory under my current
> one.

I had a similar problem and it turned out that the diff that came on my
system didn't propperly support RCS. I got a copy of GNU-diff (from osu-cis)
and that fixed the problem.

diff3 from GNU didn't work (for me) so merge and rcsmerge still don't work,

My system is ISC 386/ix 2.0.2 (System V 3.2.1)

Hope this helps???
{uunet,smu,ames}!sulaco!ozdaltx!toma      (Tom Armistead @ Garland, Texas)

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