sorting (using sort/sed/awk/whatever)

Skip Montanaro montnaro at
Mon Aug 6 00:26:32 AEST 1990

In article <13485 at smoke.BRL.MIL> gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn) writes:

   In article <2943 at mtung.ATT.COM> luke at mtung.ATT.COM (S. Luke Jones) writes:
   >Surely there's got to be an easy way to do this.

   Surely you jest.  You're asking for an artificial intelligence program here.

I don't know. The following short shell script seems to do what Luke wanted
(cluster all the C++ groups together, regardless of their spot in the Usenet

Skip (montanaro at



options="`egrep '^options' $1`"

echo $options

egrep -v "^options" $1 | \
sed -e 's/\./	/g' -e 's/! /!/' -e 's/: /:/' | \
awk '{for (i=NF; i>0; i--) printf("%s\t", $i); printf("\n"); }' | \
sort | \
awk '{for (i=NF; i>0; i--) printf("%s\t", $i); printf("\n"); }' | \
sed -e 's/	/./g' -e 's/!/! /' -e 's/:/: /' | \
sed -e 's/\.$//'

Skip (montanaro at

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