Demented question -- anyone retargeted yacc for nawk?

here kitty, kitty... daveb at llama.Ingres.COM
Sat Aug 11 11:12:15 AEST 1990

After doing a bunch of programming in nawk recently, I found myself
wondering if anyone has retargeted a yacc-like parser generator for awk. 
I don't know how useful this would be, but it has potential amusement
value [much like Roger Rohrbach's lisp written in old-awk].  It might
also be handy for prototyping "little languages" you don't want to do
via recursive descent.

from right field,

"Bottom of the 4th, Cooper pitching"	- tibetan baseball
David Brower:  daveb at rtech^H^H^H^H^Hingres.comd

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