How to skip past "image in swap device" when rebooting?

James Deibele jamesd at
Wed Aug 29 04:11:42 AEST 1990

Unfortunately I have yet to put a uninterruptible power supply on my system,
which means that once in a while I come in to find that the power flickered
during the night and that the system is sitting, waiting patiently for me to
answer "y" or "n".  It wants to know whether I want to save the "image in the
swap device" (this happened again this morning, and I should have written down
the exact wording, but didn't).  

For the forseeable future, the answer is always going to be no, but I'd be 
happy to answer yes (and manually delete the file) if it would just get past
this point.  I have autoboot=yes in /etc/default/boot as per the manual, but 
it always sticks here.  Is there a way of getting past this question?


jamesd at techbook.COM  ...!{tektronix!nosun,uunet}!techbook!jamesd 
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