How to skip past "image in swap device" when rebooting?

Conor P. Cahill cpcahil at virtech.uucp
Thu Aug 30 09:25:54 AEST 1990

In article <1990Aug28.181142.11251 at> jamesd at (James Deibele) writes:
>answer "y" or "n".  It wants to know whether I want to save the "image in the
>swap device" (this happened again this morning, and I should have written down
>the exact wording, but didn't).  
>For the forseeable future, the answer is always going to be no, but I'd be 
>happy to answer yes (and manually delete the file) if it would just get past

If you look in the begining /etc/bcheckrc, there is a call to /etc/dumpsave.
If you comment this line out, you won't be asked.

Or you could make the following modification to /etc/dumpsave:


	echo 'There may be a system dump memory image in the swap device.'
	while :
		echo 'Do you want to save it? (y/n)> \c'
		read ans
		case $ans in
		  y )   break ;;
		  n )   exit 0 ;;
		echo '???'


	echo 'There may be a system dump memory image in the swap device.'
-->	(sleep 60; kill $$)&
	while :
		echo 'Do you want to save it? (y/n)> \c'
		read ans
		case $ans in
		  y )   break ;;
		  n )   exit 0 ;;
		echo '???'

-->	trap "" 15

The first line sets up a second shell that will send a signal to this one after
60 seconds.  The second line tells the shell to ignore signal 15 (default
signal from kill).  If the user types in an answer, the trap will be executed.

Conor P. Cahill            (703)430-9247        Virtual Technologies, Inc.,
uunet!virtech!cpcahil                           46030 Manekin Plaza, Suite 160
                                                Sterling, VA 22170 

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