JAM (JYACC Application Mgr.)

Bob Daniel rad at genco.uucp
Fri Aug 31 10:10:58 AEST 1990

In article <107148 at philabs.Philips.Com> mtm at philabs.philips.com (Marie McCall) writes:
>I am considering the purchase of JAM from a company called JYACC. I want
>to use it to automate timecards in our office. I will be using flat
>ASCII file to store the data and just wanted JAM so I don't have to use
>curses. I would appreciate hearing about people's opinions on this
>product or perhaps a suggestion of something else I could use. JAM is
>going to cost me about $4000 to use on a Sun system. Thanks in advance!
>p.s. I will be using "C" to write the code for timecards

We reviewed JAM for two months as an alternative to SQL Forms in Oracle.
We were impressed with the abilities of JAM and it's Data Dictionary but it
didn't tie into the Oracle database in a very friendly manner.  Since you
are working on an ASCII file and developing in C, I think you'll find JAM
an extremely powerful tool.  If you plan to tie into a SQL server, it is
possibly but is not very developer friendly.

We decided not to go with JAM because we needed easy tie-ins to Oracle.
Your project, on the other hand, sounds like it could greatly benefit
from it. 

I found JYACC to be very friendly and helpful and they honored the 90
day trial period that we arranged.

Definitely worth looking in to!

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