JAM (JYACC Application Mgr.)

Marie McCall mtm at philabs.philips.com
Thu Aug 30 04:32:55 AEST 1990

I am considering the purchase of JAM from a company called JYACC. I want
to use it to automate timecards in our office. I will be using flat
ASCII file to store the data and just wanted JAM so I don't have to use
curses. I would appreciate hearing about people's opinions on this
product or perhaps a suggestion of something else I could use. JAM is
going to cost me about $4000 to use on a Sun system. Thanks in advance!

p.s. I will be using "C" to write the code for timecards

Marie T. McCall             |                 | Phone: (914) 945 - 6355
Philips Laboratories        |                 | Fax  : (914) 945 - 6375 
345 Scarborough Road        |                 | Email: {uunet!philabs!mtm} or
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510  |                 |        {mtm at philabs.philips.com}

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