help sought - securing a terminal/line

Peter Murray pemurray at
Wed Aug 8 13:18:32 AEST 1990

In article <1990Aug7.111611.434 at>, cudcv at (Rob McMahon) writes:
> Assuming we're talking BSD here (that certainly looks like a 4.3 /etc/ttys
> file to me ...), can't you just use the `lo' gettytab entry for this:
>       lo    str    /usr/bin/login   program to exec when name obtained

Yes, I'm dealing with BSD (Ultrix, to be exact).

Well, this will work, except that getty will still ask for the username,
and pass that as an argument to the program defined as "lo" above.  I
would just like users to connect to the tty and automatically be dumped
in the application without "logging in".

Guy Harris made an excellent suggestion...modify the source code to do
the things that getty does.  Unfortunately, this is not an option.

What I've done is ported getty from a SysV source that I have (believe it
or not, it works with only one change), and I'm now in the process of taking
out the lines (the part where it asks for the user ID and other unneeded
functions) that are not needed.  Hopefully it'll work when I'm done messing

Does anyone have a pointer to the source code for a BSD version of getty?

Peter Murray	                       215 Foxfire Dr #308, Oxford, Ohio  45056
ACS Consultant                                           pemurray at miavx1.bitnet
APSVAX/APSTWR Manager                             murrayp at
Miami University                      NeXT Mail:  pemurray at

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