CTRL-@ in insert mode hangs vi

Walter Mecky walter at mecky.UUCP
Sun Jul 8 10:55:05 AEST 1990

According to FM, you can you use CTRL-@ in insert mode very well:

	  Ctrl-@    If entered as the first character of an insertion,
		    it is replaced with	the last text inserted,	and
		    the	insertion terminates.  Only 128	characters are
		    saved from the last	insertion.  If more than 128
		    characters were inserted, then this	command
		    inserts no characters.  A Ctrl-@ cannot be part of
		    a file, even if quoted.

If I do this, vi hangs and nothing awakens him, including interrupt and
quit key. Worse is, that I cannot kill vi from another terminal execpt
with signal as 9 ==> vi can't write to the recovery file and the editing
work is gone :-(

My system is SCO UNIX 3.2.0. Anybody's vi has this bug too ?
Walter Mecky	[ walter at mecky	or  ...uunet!unido!mecky!walter ]

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