CTRL-@ in insert mode hangs vi

Walter Mecky walter at mecky.UUCP
Wed Jul 11 01:58:46 AEST 1990

In article <681 at mecky.UUCP> I write:
about vi hanging after I pressed CTRL- at . I was rather stupid,
because the problem was not in vi but in my terminal driver,
which interpreted CTRL-@ as the "suspend" character (thank you
Roger for the email).

My only excuse is the absence of any reference in the manual about
the suspend character: in stty(C) SCO mentions it, but doesn't
explain it, nothing in termio(M). Probably it's the first step 
to job control, but at present, the behaviour is rather strange: 
If I type the suspend character in the login shell, I logout. 
In a subshell, I become blocked as in vi. Only the input echo is 

My advice to users of SCO UNIX (and to SCO until job controls works):
Disable the suspend char in /etc/profile with stty susp '^-'.
Walter Mecky	[ walter at mecky	or  ...uunet!unido!mecky!walter ]

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