cpio question

James L. Logan logan at rockville.dg.com
Fri Jul 6 07:01:31 AEST 1990

I know this is icky, but I am looking for a cpio program that
runs under MESS-DOS.  If anyone has ever seen such an animal,
please let me know what it's called so I have some idea what I'm
looking for.  

I have to store a collection of files onto a DOS diskette from
UNIX so they can be read by a DOS machine.  I would like to use
cpio on my side, rather than having to use some crazy UNIX-to-DOS
copy program.  

			Thanks in advance,
James Logan                        UUCP: uunet!inpnms!logan
Data General Telecommunications    Inet: logan at rockville.dg.com
2098 Gaither Road                 Phone: (301) 590-3198
Rockville, MD 20850

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