loginid vs. uid.

Jesse W. Asher jessea at dynasys.UUCP
Thu Jul 19 02:04:12 AEST 1990

In article <7342 at amelia.nas.nasa.gov>, samlb at pioneer.arc.nasa.gov.UUCP (Sam Bassett RCS) wrote the following:
*>	UNIX uses the numerical UID to determine who owns a given file --
*>it is entered into one of the fields in the inode (gnode, vnode) which
*>identifies each file on the disk.
*>	When UNIX needs to know or output the userid (ASCII string which
*>identifies a user), it looks in the /etc/passwd file for the userid which
*>is associated with the UID number.
*>	RTFM 'man [45] passwd'

I know what the uid is and don't need somebody to read the RTFM.  You didn't
answer the question.  Ok.  Read this slowly so you can understand it.

	What is the difference, if any, between the loginid and uid?

Now, go back to reading that manual you are so fond of and stop being rude
by telling others to read it.

Jesse W. Asher			Dynasys			Evening: (901)382-1609 
6196-1 Macon Rd., Suite 200, Memphis, TN 38134
UUCP: {fedeva,chromc}!dynasys!jessea

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