loginid vs. uid.

Bob McGowen x4312 dept208 bob at wyse.wyse.com
Wed Jul 18 10:44:18 AEST 1990

In article <234 at twg.wimsey.bc.ca> bill at twg.wimsey.bc.ca (Bill Irwin) writes:
>In <11399 at hydra.gatech.EDU> gt0178a at prism.gatech.EDU (BURNS,JIM) writes:
>$in article <232 at twg.wimsey.bc.ca>, bill at twg.wimsey.bc.ca (Bill Irwin) says:
>$                                 And of course, $LOGNAME will depend on
>$whether you used the '-' flag to su or not.
>Not  on my system it doesn't.  I have SCO XENIX V/386 2.3.2 and I get  my
>original  logname whether I use "-" in the su, or not.  From replies I've

Consider the name of the variable.  It should point to your login name
regardless of whom you su to or how you su, I would think.  Just like a
'who am i' looks in /etc/utmp (I believe) and gets your login name even
if you are su'ed to another user.  This seems like proper behavior to me.

Bob McGowan  (standard disclaimer, these are my own ...)
Product Support, Wyse Technology, San Jose, CA
bob at wyse.com

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