/rsh and /usr/bin/mailx - are they incompatible?

Paul Chamberlain tif at doorstop.austin.ibm.com
Tue Jul 31 01:22:55 AEST 1990

In article <1741 at tssi.UUCP> nolan at tssi.UUCP (Michael Nolan) writes:
>In article <2911 at awdprime.UUCP>, tif at doorstop.austin.ibm.com (Paul Chamberlain) writes:
>> That was why I mentioned that they might disable the pager.  At least
>> they could still use mail (no editor though).
>Ever tried to read a long e-mail without a pager? ...

Yes.  Ever heard of CTRL-S?

>It seems stupid to point out a hole in unix security, and then have the
>only solution be to disable the bugger causing it.

Don't shoot the messenger.  If the bug doesn't bother you, let them use a
pager.  I seem to recall that one of the original options was to turn off
mail.  That seems a little drastic, so I provided another solution.  Ok,
here's two more possible solutions:

EDITOR=false     or     EDITOR=ed
(I think more uses this variable ...)

or PAGER=less
(compiled with the editor option turned off or in
combination with the above EDITOR environment variable)

>(How about a contest for the *shortest* C program that works as a 'dumb' pager?
>Sounds like a great item for the 1991 obfuscated C code contest!)  


Paul Chamberlain | I do NOT represent IBM         tif at doorstop, sc30661 at ausvm6
512/838-7008     | ...!cs.utexas.edu!ibmaus!auschs!doorstop.austin.ibm.com!tif

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