/rsh and /usr/bin/mailx - are they incompatible?

Paul Chamberlain tif at doorstop.austin.ibm.com
Thu Jul 26 03:47:05 AEST 1990

In article <1990Jul24.141800.15561 at warwick.ac.uk> cudcv at warwick.ac.uk writes:
>In article <2834 at awdprime.UUCP> tif at doorstop.austin.ibm.com writes:
>>Try setting PAGER=more and making sure more is in the search path.
>But doesn't this blow away the whole point of using rsh, because you can ...

Yes, but I thought that that was sufficiently complicated that I did not
want to spoil it for others.  That one little hole kinda ruins rsh.
That was why I mentioned that they might disable the pager.  At least
they could still use mail (no editor though).

Paul Chamberlain | I do NOT represent IBM         tif at doorstop, sc30661 at ausvm6
512/838-7008     | ...!cs.utexas.edu!ibmaus!auschs!doorstop.austin.ibm.com!tif

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