Looking for Screen Splitting program for shell enviroment

John 'tms' Navarra navarra at casbah.acns.nwu.edu
Sat Apr 13 05:56:36 AEST 1991

In article <5676 at wrgate.WR.TEK.COM> michaelp at amadeus.WR.TEK.COM (Michael Prusynski) writes:
>joem at nos850.UUCP (Joe Muller) writes:
>>   Here at nos850 we do not yet have the capabilities of using a windows 
>> enviroment such as X Windows, so I was wondering if there are any 
>> programs out there that will allow one to split the screen into 2 or 3
>> sections with a shell process running in each one.  Ideally the user
>> would be able to run a process in one half of the screen, and by some
>> control sequence or tap of a function key, change their current shell to the
>> other the half of the screen, and at the same time able to see the
>> output of their previous process without it interfering with their
>> current work.  I'm sure that I'm not the first person to come up with
>> this one, so surely there must be such a utility out there somewhere.
      There is a Unix screen program which does sorta what you want. It does
 not open windows per se but it allows you to switch back and forth btw 
 various screens using control sequences. Also, you can have multiple screens
 running to various computers and can even disconnect a screen at one  
 terminal and resume it somewhere else (provided the terminal types are
 compatible). It is a USEFUL program although it is not quite windows. But
 it does run all ALL terminals.

>Michael Prusynski (michaelp at amadeus.WR.TEK.COM)   Phone: (503) 629-3062
>USMail:  Tektronix Inc., MS 92-304, PO Box 4600, Beaverton, OR 97076    __o
>  UUCP:  ...!uunet!tektronix!amadeus.WR.TEK.COM!michaelp               -\<,
>  ARPA:  @RELAY.CS.NET:michaelp at amadeus.WR.TEK.COM                ....O/ O

>From the Lab of the MaD ScIenTiST:
navarra at casbah.acns.nwu.edu

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