April 1991 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Apr 1 02:12:46 AEST 1991
Ending: Tue Apr 30 22:55:50 AEST 1991
Messages: 934
- User limit in passwd file
- naive question about turning off cursor
- autoexecution of a program by tty
Gary Weimer 253-7796
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xen
Gary Weimer 253-7796
- What is it? (was Re: Current Run-Level: How can you tell?)
Gary Weimer 253-7796
- How do I remove a stubborn file?
Gary Weimer 253-7796
- Preprocessor Usage Question
Gary Weimer 253-7796
- TarZ files
Gary Weimer 253-7796
- UNIX commands in C
Gary Weimer 253-7796
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xenix
mark baker 4206813
- How to catch a snoopy sysadmin?
- unwanted control characters in downloads
Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM
- Looking for Screen Splitting program for shell enviroment
Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM
- $TZ, crontab(1)
Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM
- A couple of questions about Netland
Mohd Hanafiah Abdullah
- Anyone used SEA-CHANGE Imp-UniPlus V3.1 ?
Koshy Abraham
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Ken Abrams
- How do I find a missing object when a load fails?
Ernest Adams
- Help for a brand new System V administrator...?
Ernest Adams
- Dos print screen
- What is it? (was Re: Current Run-Level: How can you tell?)
News Administrator
- need: mbuf docs...
Rohit Aggarwal
- Type-ahead in unix
Ashley Aitken
- How can you tell who has what files open?
Jon Albers
- Please remove me from your list
Christopher Allen
- identifying processes that own sockets
Mark Allyn
- Wren IV cache (was: Re: CDC Wren IV = Seagate 4376N)
Michael Almond
- Email to OMNET
Karl Anderson
- running a PC app on a Sun ( V12#087)
Karl Anderson
- Would somebody please explain?
Ric Anderson
- Problems displaying "man" pages
Monty Andro
- SCO Mailing List
Dave Armbrust
- Fingeree wants to keep track of the fingerer
Jim Armstrong
- Spreadsheets for 386 Unix.
Jesse W. Asher
- Sendmail problem finding host unless full domainname given.
Allan Bailey
- XDR question
Andy Balinsky
- Mapping of Directory names to lower case
Donald Ballance
- SUMMARY: Mapping of Directory names to lower case
Donald Ballance
- File System and ZBR drives
Tom Balon
- I have a stupid q.
Jim Balter
- awk format pgm
Jim Balter
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xenix
Jim Balter
- reverse-tee, or, merging stdout's
Jim Balter
- reverse-tee, or, merging stdout's
Jim Balter
- Preprocessor Usage Question
Jim Balter
- The swich with dailight savings time
Alan Barclay
- awk format pgm
David Barrett
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Paul Barton-Davis
- testing if a directory is empty (OOOPS!)
Paul Barton-Davis
- #! loader convention
Paul Barton-Davis
- testing if a directory is empty (OOOPS!)
Paul Barton-Davis
- Personal NFS?
Paul Barton-Davis
- idle time
Master Bater
- Bourne shell syntax problem?
Jeff Beadles
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Andy Behrens
- *unsubscribe]
- Dutch Hackers
Boaz Ben-Zvi
- Waiting on parents and reinstating HUP
Andrew A. Benson
- e-mail splitter
Stephen R. van den Berg
- mail & nice
Stephen R. van den Berg
- untar or restore only newer files? Impossible?
Stephen R. van den Berg
- lockf, how portable is it? (and an include file matter)
Stephen R. van den Berg
- Secure shell scripts (again, sorry)
Stephen R. van den Berg
- RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Chip) vs. CISC
Robert Bernecky
- Whither NeXT?
Anthony Berno
- DISCONNECT command for the UNIX system
Dan Bernstein
- Inode Ref. Count
Dan Bernstein
- Finger logger: several questions
Dan Bernstein
- Type-ahead in unix
Dan Bernstein
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Dan Bernstein
- Type-ahead in unix
Dan Bernstein
- Type-ahead in unix
Dan Bernstein
- remote printing from unix-pc to 3b2's printer
Michael A Biel
- remote printing from 3b1 to 3b2 via uucp
Michael A Biel
- (none)
Michael W. Bigrigg
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xen
Nicole Delbecque & Paul Bijnens
- hide cursor in the curses?
Nicole Delbecque & Paul Bijnens
- i command in sed - only one address?
Charles Blair
- grep
Keith Bloom
- One handed UNIX, Emacs for disabled person?
Heiko Blume
- "Unkillable" processes
Oliver Boehmer
- script question
Gary A. Bolles
- How can a child learn of its parents termination?
Mark Boolootian
- NQS Distributed batching system...
Shekhar Borde'
- Wren IV cache (was: Re: CDC Wren IV = Seagate 4376N)
Doug Boyce
- Internet registration
John Boyd;CRENP
- chsh problem
Liam Breck
- How do I remove a stubborn file?
David L. Brenner
- autoexecution of a program by tty
Edward Brill
- Out of queue messages ???
John R. Brinkema
- Files for all devices??
Jeffrey L Bromberger
- Return status of 'rsh'
Patrick R. Brown
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Marc Brumlik
- nroff -mm macro question
Jeff Burch
- nroff -mm macro question
Jeff Burch
- Dutch Hackers
Jim Burns
- named
John Burns
- MUD/Robot ports to SysV w/o networking???
Donald Burr
- One handed UNIX, Emacs for disabled person?
Leila Burrell-Davis
- unwanted control characters in downloads
Leila Burrell-Davis
- What was the signal?
Mark Bush
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Dick Heijne CCS/TS
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Dick Heijne CCS/TS
- How to kill cron and start cron again, using cron ?
Geert W.T. Jonkheer CCS/TS
- How can a child learn of its parents termination?
Paul Dow CRI-UK
- sh: Bad ulimit with atjobs
Conor P. Cahill
- Unix disk duplication....
Conor P. Cahill
- What exactly does "blocking" mean ?
Conor P. Cahill
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Conor P. Cahill
- Return status of 'rsh'
Conor P. Cahill
- Return status of 'rsh'
Conor P. Cahill
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Conor P. Cahill
- SH Memory Fault
Conor P. Cahill
- Weird tcsh/rm problems.
James Cameron
- script question
James Cameron
- Can I pass variables to rlogin?
James Cameron
- Type-ahead in unix
Malcolm Carlock
- Resolved tar-to-a-pipe problem ("tar: blocksize=1")
Malcolm Carlock
- Unix/MS-Dos Networking (Long, but don't let that scare you)
Adam Carlson
- CDC Wren IV = Seagate 4376N
Adam Carlson
- Wren IV cache (was: Re: CDC Wren IV = Seagate 4376N)
Adam Carlson
- Reviving a hung-up process
Adam Carlson
- output command in MS-Kermit 3.10
Adam Carlson
- How Make a File-Replica Server?
Larry Carroll
- Communication with IBM mainframes
Roger Centerstr|m
- bad blocks on 3B2
Rob Trott Cermak
- How can you tell who has what files open?
John Chambers
- menus on xterms
Suneal K. Chaudhary
- Searching the output of last
Raymond Chen
- Setting hard limits on resident memory?
Donald Chisholm
- Return status of 'rsh'
Tom Christiansen
- shell script to...
Tom Christiansen
- awk format pgm
Tom Christiansen
- "Following" these subject messages
Tom Christiansen
- Wildcard Expansion By Shell
Tom Christiansen
- MIT X11R4 man pages glitches?
Tom Christiansen
- Can sh or csh do this VMS DCL trick??
Tom Christiansen
- printing out manual pages
Tom Christiansen
- How can a program find path to its binary file?
Tom Christiansen
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Stephen Clamage
- How can shell scripts be shared by different shells?
Andy Clews
- Spreadsheets for 386 Unix.
Steve Cohen
- shell script to...
Mark Coleman
- Is /etc/magic machine independent?
J.T. Conklin
- finding out if a directory is empty in C program (was Re: How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?)
J.T. Conklin
- Compiling tcsh
John P. Connolly
- printing out manual pages
Roger Cornelius
- undelete ?
Trevor Cotton
- Archiving ucode object files
Trevor Cotton
- determining if DCE device is ready
Trevor Cotton
- Can't forward mail
Michael A. Covington
- undelete ?
Michael A. Covington
- mailing mail folders
Don Cox
- Proximity Search
John Cristy
- Proximity Search
John Cristy
- UNIX commands in C
Glenn Crocker
- Makefile for Compressed files (.o.Z)
Will Crowder
- Looking for a book on uucp
Bob Daniel
- NIC documents wanted
David Daniel
- help!how to setup remote printing services
Grover Davidson
- how to setup remote printing services
Grover Davidson
- Can sh or csh do this VMS DCL trick??
John E. Davis
- Macintosh troff package desired
Jeffrey DeLeo
- Guru on tip needed
Stephen M. Deal
- GNU gcc and cross-compilation
Brian Dean
- shell script to...
Jutta Degener
- Data range used by UUCICO?
Jim Deitch
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Lee Derbenwick
- HELP: Telnet Z-Modem transfer problem!
Hugo Desrosiers
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Rahul Dhesi
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Rahul Dhesi
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xen
Robert Dinse
- grep
Jack Dixon
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Uwe Doering
- How to change the login message of telnetd? (Summary)
Kent Paul Dolan
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Chris Dollin
- need AWK help: lowercase, trim trailing spaces
Mario Dona
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Stu Donaldson
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Jeremy Gryttpype Druker
- Request help in setting up DNS on a SUN 4.1.1 system
Kerry Duke
- SUN unix performance tests anyone?
Kerry Duke
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Dick Dunn
- HP-UX syslog problem
Paul Durham
- reverse-tee, or, merging stdout's
Robert Earl
- reverse-tee, or, merging stdout's
Robert Earl
- Need LJII to Postscript filter
Heather Ebey
- Sending struct through DGRAM socket
Greg Economides
- "Too many file names" in vi
Paul Eggert
- signal & slow devices
Dave Eisen
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xen
Dave Eisen
- What is it? (was Re: Current Run-Level: How can you tell?)
Dave Eisen
- Algorithm used in compress/decompress ?
Vadivelu Elumalai
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Ernie Englehart
- Truncating an existing file (and lockf question)
Joe English
- printing out manual pages
Joe English
- Syslog on SVR4?
Jeff Van Epps
- Proper method of tarring to a pipe, without ``blocksize=1'' later?
Arthur Evans
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Arthur Evans
- Getting List of Top-Level Domain (i.e., *.EDU)
Tim Evans
- How can shell scripts be shared by different shells?
Paul Falstad
- Word-oriented GREP
Paul Falstad
- printing out manual pages
Paul Falstad
- RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Chip) vs. CISC
Chin Fang
- RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Chip) vs. CISC
Chin Fang
- Spreadsheets for 386 Unix.
Rick Farris
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Bernd Felsche
- RCS with multiple customers + versions
Tony Field
- Difference between Sys V.3 and V.4
Barton A. Fisk
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Brian Fitzgerald
- awk format pgm
Brian Fitzgerald
- Word-oriented GREP
Brian Fitzgerald
- yacc
Marc E. Fiuczynski
- Performance of Dump
Peter W. Flur
- Finger logger: several questions
Mark A Fontana
- Summary: "Finger logger- several questions"
Mark A Fontana
- Sure-fire BSD curses arrow key detection
Jerry Frain
- TarZ files
Kevin Franden
- DOD open-architecture reference needed
Claus Franzkowiak
- Debugging a child process
Matthew Freedman
- Parallel printing over TCP/IP
Rob Freyder
- How to translate from f/s block # to absolute disk sector?
James P. H. Fuller
- sh script question
Rhonda Gaines
- request for reviews - Unix, X
Andrew Gallo
- Can sh or csh do this VMS DCL trick??
Mark Garrett
- Can sh or csh do this VMS DCL trick??
Mark Garrett
- Can sh or csh do this VMS DCL trick??
Mark Garrett
- lex and yacc help desired
Peter Garst
- Fingeree wants to keep track of the fingerer
Nathan Gasser
- fixrtf3 now or soon available via ftp.
Nik Anthony Gervae
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Jim Giles
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Jim Giles
- Data eXchange Format (DXF)
Dan Gill
- killing processes thru' C programs
Dan Gill
- undelete ?
Dick Gill
- lex and yacc help desired
Dr. Richard Glass
- "Following" these subject messages
Ted L. Glenn
- Internet Sites
Ted L. Glenn
- "Following" these subject messages
Ted L. Glenn
- sayonara bye bye
Ted L. Glenn
- One handed UNIX, Emacs for disabled person?
Adrian Godwin
- need AWK help: lowercase, trim trailing spaces
Richard L. Goerwitz
- need AWK help: lowercase, trim trailing spaces
Richard L. Goerwitz
- need AWK help: lowercase, trim trailing spaces
Richard L. Goerwitz
- telnet/rlogin question
Dale Gogates
- keyboard macros
Dmitry Gokhman
- System() in AWK
Dmitry Gokhman
- Type-ahead in unix
Martin Golding
- Type-ahead in unix
Martin Golding
- Type-ahead in unix
Martin Golding
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Steve Gombosi
- unwanted control characters in downloads
Steve Gombosi
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Steve Gombosi
- a puzzle for VME GURUS: multiple mmaps to /dev/vme32d?? devices
Roger Gonzalez
- SysVR4 process accounting.
Roger Gonzalez
- grep
Sundaraswaran Gopalakrishnan
- Wildcard Expansion By Shell
Sundaraswaran Gopalakrishnan
- "diff files": how to use?
John Gordon
- getting home directories
John Gordon
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Bob Goudreau
- How to translate from f/s block # to absolute disk sector?
Ed Gould
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Ed Gould
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Daniel A. Graifer
- shell script to...
Neil Greene
- name service heritage
Pete Gregory
- NIC documents wanted
Pete Gregory
- Connection between C program and shell
Doug Gwyn
- onintr, trap, etc.
Doug Gwyn
- Expanding wildcard options to main()
Doug Gwyn
- Can I disown a child?
Doug Gwyn
- Type-ahead in unix
Doug Gwyn
- Type-ahead in unix
Doug Gwyn
- Binary File Compatibility Between ULTRIX and Other UNIX Systems
Doug Gwyn
- How can shell scripts be shared by different shells?
Doug Gwyn
- Type-ahead in unix
Doug Gwyn
- Type-ahead in unix
Doug Gwyn
- The swich with dailight savings time
Doug Gwyn
- The switch to daylight savings time
Doug Gwyn
- Flags with more than one letter
Doug Gwyn
- Type-ahead in unix
Doug Gwyn
- Type-ahead in unix
Doug Gwyn
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Doug Gwyn
- grep
Doug Gwyn
- #! loader convention
Doug Gwyn
- Algorithm used in compress/decompress ?
Doug Gwyn
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xenix
Doug Gwyn
- As documentation wanted.
Doug Gwyn
- grep, egrep, fgrep
Doug Gwyn
- rexec function using encrypted password
Doug Gwyn
- TIOCEXCL and recovering from it.
Doug Gwyn
- The switch to daylight savings time
Doug Gwyn
- random numbers in awk?
Doug Gwyn
- grep
Marcus Hall
- Mutual exclusion through RFS or for Un*x files in general?
Tim C. Hall
- Type-ahead in unix
Jon Hamilton
Paul F. Hammond
- TELNET Problem
Zheng Han
- undelete ?
Ken Hardy
- RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Chip) vs. CISC
Ken Hardy
- 386BSD Berkeley Port Info Wanted
Michael Harlow
- What version of BSD run on i386's ?
Michael Harlow
- RCS with multiple customers + versions
Andi Harnyo
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Guy Harris
- SunOS 4.1 talk
Guy Harris
- Is /etc/magic machine independent?
Guy Harris
- *unsubscribe]
Guy Harris
- csh alias command
Guy Harris
- #! loader convention
Guy Harris
- Wildcard Expansion By Shell
Guy Harris
- idle time
Guy Harris
- The switch to daylight savings time
Guy Harris
- The switch to daylight savings time
Guy Harris
- Would somebody please explain?
Guy Harris
- mknod for BSD 4.3
Guy Harris
- $TZ, crontab(1)
Guy Harris
- random numbers in awk?
Guy Harris
- How does a shell know if it's in the foreground or the background?
Guy Harris
- How does a shell know if it's in the foreground or the background?
Guy Harris
- Return status of 'rsh'
Stephen Harris
- Type-ahead in unix
Mark Harrison
- How to pass shell variables to awk?
Mark Harrison
- need AWK help: lowercase, trim trailing spaces
Mark Harrison
- How to pass shell variables to awk?
Robert Hartman
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Robert Hartman
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Robert Hartman
- hiding files under a mount point.
Robert den Hartog
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Robert den Hartog
- User limit in passwd file
David Hawkins
- Diffs to the Frequently Asked Questions postings
Steve Hayman
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Guangliang He
- Changing directories in the background
Greg Heim
- BBS under COHERENT ?
Ric C Helton
- rexec function using encrypted password
John Herman
- I have a stupid q.
Patrick Hertel
- RPC or what?
Patrick Hertel
- Type-ahead in unix
Kee Hinckley
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Paul Hite
- Binary File Compatibility Between ULTRIX and Other UNIX Systems
Adrian J Ho
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Kuyper Hoffman
- reverse-tee, or, merging stdout's
Ian Hogg
- HELP: Telnet Z-Modem transfer problem!
Ralf U. Holighaus
- "Unkillable" processes
Ralf U. Holighaus
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Jeff Hollingsworth
- A .sig thing
D. Hollinsworth
- .sig - Gee, you guys are fast!
D. Hollinsworth
- "Glob"
Peter J. Holsberg
- grep, egrep, fgrep
Peter J. Holsberg
- compress V4.3d
Peter J. Holsberg
- One handed UNIX
Blair P. Houghton
- Personal NFS?
Blair P. Houghton
- Fingeree wants to keep track of the fingerer
Richard Hubbell
- Use of sz/rz
Matthew Huff
- Automount's symboic links not working
Andrew Hunt
- Expanding wildcard options to main()
Greg Hunt
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Greg Hunt
- Delimeters when using the "cut" tool.
Greg Hunt
- Can sh or csh do this VMS DCL trick??
Greg Hunt
- How can a program find path to its binary file?
Greg Hunt
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Sumon Huque
- ftp timeout modified ?
Olivier Bourdon - Sun ICNC
- Kernel variables access
Olivier Bourdon - Sun ICNC
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
John F Haugh II
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
John F Haugh II
- How can you tell who has what files open?
John F Haugh II
- Type-ahead in unix
- Type-ahead in unix
- shell script to...
- reverse-tee, or, merging stdout's
- need AWK help: lowercase, trim trailing spaces
- How does a shell know if it's in the foreground or the background?
- Possible memory leak in HPUX 7.0 csh - bizzare behavior
Len Jaffe
- Type-ahead in unix
Sakari Jalovaara
- Radio clock time for Unix
Jan-Piet Mens at Logix GmbH, Wiesbaden
- Sendmail,Smail,MMDF. Which to use ?
Jan-Piet Mens at Logix GmbH, Wiesbaden
- Can I disown a child?
Steve Jay
- What was the signal?
Root Boy Jim
- Files for all devices??
Root Boy Jim
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Root Boy Jim
- determining if DCE device is ready
Root Boy Jim
- Searching the output of last
Root Boy Jim
- Workstation "Policy"
John A. Johnston
- Korn shell & ditroff for Sun?
John A. Johnston
- Fn prototype converter? - add to freq. ask. q.
Manoj Joshi
- awk system("vi +/string file")
Steve Jukoff
- Delimeters when using the "cut" tool.
Vincent Vladas Juodvalkis
- OCR software
Kenneth Kamemoto
- naive question about turning off cursor
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Basic Intro to UNIX
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Host name and internet id
Jonathan I. Kamens
- I need to unset & reset TERM environment variable from .login
Jonathan I. Kamens
- autoexecution of a program by tty
Jonathan I. Kamens
- hiding files under a mount point.
Jonathan I. Kamens
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- how to delete a file from a tar?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- removing file w/ ^J with csh is strange.
Jonathan I. Kamens
- keyboard history editing
Jonathan I. Kamens
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Jonathan I. Kamens
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Hiding hostnames from mail-headers
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Telnet Vs Rlogin
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Passing std in/out file descriptors between processes
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Spreadsheets for 386 Unix.
Jonathan I. Kamens
- conditional substitutes
Jonathan I. Kamens
- (g)prof on Sun's
Jonathan I. Kamens
- name service heritage
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Fingeree wants to keep track of the fingerer
Jonathan I. Kamens
- sendmail thinks it's on a BITNET host (was (none))
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Where do I get admin utilities? + crypt
Jonathan I. Kamens
- "diff files": how to use?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- I have a stupid q.
Jonathan I. Kamens
- How to pass shell variables to awk?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- shell script to...
Jonathan I. Kamens
- SunOS 4.1 talk
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Finding people on the network
Jonathan I. Kamens
- System() in AWK
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Flags with more than one letter
Jonathan I. Kamens
- sh script question
Jonathan I. Kamens
- mailing mail folders
Jonathan I. Kamens
- grep
Jonathan I. Kamens
- grep
Jonathan I. Kamens
- "Glob"
Jonathan I. Kamens
- foreach: No match
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Wildcard Expansion By Shell
Jonathan I. Kamens
- csh alias command
Jonathan I. Kamens
- getting home directories
Jonathan I. Kamens
- "Unkillable" processes
Jonathan I. Kamens
- named pipe across NFS
Jonathan I. Kamens
- mknod for BSD 4.3
Jonathan I. Kamens
- random numbers in awk?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- random numbers in awk?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Truncating an existing file (and lockf question)
Jonathan I. Kamens
- unix undelete ?????
Jonathan I. Kamens
- finding out if a directory is empty in C program (was Re: How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?)
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Problems displaying "man" pages
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Preprocessor Usage Question
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Searching the output of last
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Personal NFS?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- killing processes thru' C programs
Jonathan I. Kamens
- printing out manual pages
Jonathan I. Kamens
- i command in sed - only one address?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- FTP directories
Jonathan I. Kamens
- popen and deadlock (was Re: UNIX commands in C)
Jonathan I. Kamens
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Arthur S. Kamlet
- Need Info on RPC
Sanju Kapoor
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Richard Karasik
- Workstation "Policy"
Brendan Kehoe
- e-mail splitter
Brendan Kehoe
- lex and yacc help desired
Mike J. Kelly
- termcap for wyse30?
Rick Kelly
- BBS under COHERENT ?
Rick Kelly
- SunOS 4.1 talk
Vick Khera
- uunet!bria!mike (WAS Re: how to delete a file from a tar?)
Ronald S H Khoo
- Type-ahead in unix
Ronald S H Khoo
- The switch to daylight savings time
Ronald S H Khoo
- #! loader convention
Ronald S H Khoo
- printing out manual pages
Ronald S H Khoo
- Need help with "curses" screen editor
Mark Kilby
- uucp protocol negotiation problems
Michael Koellen
- questions about ENTOMB (was: undelete ?)
Shawn Koppenhoefer
- Kernel Messages
David Dave Kraus
- Kernel Message Routing (sVr4)
David Dave Kraus
- serial ports
- SysVR4 process accounting.
Mathew BM LIM
- SysVR4 process accounting.
Mathew BM LIM
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Peter Lamb
- What is it? (was Re: Current Run-Level: How can you tell?)
Peter Lamb
- Forwarding Mail But Keeping a Local Copy
W.L. Lance
- Wanted: Foriegn Language Dictionaries
W.L. Lance
- Can't reach FTP host
Gregory Larkin
- testing if a directory is empty (OOOPS!)
Bruce R Larson
- unwanted control characters in downloads
Bruce R Larson
Bruce R Larson
- Forwarding mail under system V
Erik Lawaetz
- mailing list
Betsy LeDuc
- Capture a talk session
Kin-Wing Edwin Lee
- cu & sb/rb
Rasmus Lerdorf
- Forwarding Mail But Keeping a Local Copy
Rasmus Lerdorf
- Makefile for Compressed files (.o.Z)
Braham Levy
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Braham Levy
- How do I remove a stubborn file?
Braham Levy
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Donald Lewine
- looking for a UNIX job scheduler
Chris Lewis
- I have a stupid q.
Chris Lewis
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Chris Lewis
- idle time
Chris Lewis
- What is it? (was Re: Current Run-Level: How can you tell?)
Jeff Leyser
- Source Code for "Advanced UNIX Programming"
Andrew Lindh
- The swich with dailight savings time
Chris Linstruth
- connect to a non-blocking socket
Jaw-wu Liou
- autoexecution of a program by tty
Steven M. List
- script question
Steven M. List
- Creating IBM Labeled Tapes
Steven M. List
- Sorting mail files chronologically on Unix
Steven M. List
- Type-ahead in unix
Hong Luo
- Type-ahead in unix
Hong Luo
- Parallel printing over TCP/IP
Stuart Lynne
Terry Lyons
- "Unkillable" processes
- process question
Jochen Manns
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Barry Margolin
- autoexecution of a program by tty
Barry Margolin
- How to kill cron and start cron again, using cron ?
Barry Margolin
- ascii tape
Barry Margolin
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xenix
Barry Margolin
- Type-ahead in unix
Barry Margolin
- Process stopped with negative priority
Barry Margolin
- Where has all my disk space gone?
Barry Margolin
- Named Pipes across NFS?
Barry Margolin
- Where has all my disk space gone?
Barry Margolin
- Named Pipes across NFS?
Barry Margolin
- Personal NFS?
Barry Margolin
- Reading screen I/O from a remote terminal
Bob Marley
- Anybody know of a way to run a PC app on a Sun
Larry Martell
- Type-ahead in unix
Alex Martelli
- grep
Alex Martelli
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Chris Martinus
- mknod for BSD 4.3
Jamie Mason
- nroff -mm macro question
Steven P. Mazurek
- Would somebody please explain?
Henry McGilton
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Rob McMahon
- Type-ahead in unix
Rob McMahon
- Type-ahead in unix
Rob McMahon
- Type-ahead in unix
Rob McMahon
- Internet addresses
Marcia G McPherson
- File System and ZBR disks
Larry McVoy
- grep
Brad Mears
- testing if a directory is empty (OOOPS!)
Michael Meissner
- $TZ, crontab(1)
Michael Meissner
- Fingeree wants to keep track of the fingerer
Noam Mendelson
- Fingeree wants to keep track of the fingerer
Noam Mendelson
- Finger logging program
Noam Mendelson
- Finger logger: several questions
Noam Mendelson
- Forwarding Mail But Keeping a Local Copy
Noam Mendelson
- Where To Fine Kermit For UNIX
Noam Mendelson
- Would somebody please explain?
Noam Mendelson
- How do I remove a stubborn file?
Noam Mendelson
- printing out manual pages
Noam Mendelson
- Capture a talk session
Noam Mendelson
- Installing perl 4.0/03 on SCO UNIX 3.2.2
Jan-Piet Mens
- idle time
Jan-Piet Mens
Ghirmai Meresi
- mail & nice
James W. Meritt
- foreach: No match
James W. Meritt
- Passing arrays of strings
BillFrancis Michel
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Leslie Mikesell
- Resolved tar (and dd and afio)
Leslie Mikesell
- Unix disk duplication....
Leslie Mikesell
- The swich with dailight savings time
Leslie Mikesell
- Is UUX looking too closely at its arguments?
Leslie Mikesell
- Improved Unix terminal emulation from MSDOS
Leslie Mikesell
- Any Anon UUCP sources for Kermit 5A? <was: Where To Find Kermit...>
Leslie Mikesell
- named pipe across NFS
Leslie Mikesell
- how to setup remote printing services
Leslie Mikesell
- SVR4 vs SVR3
Brian P. Minnebo
- CDC Disk repairs
Alan Mintz
- How to make kernel calls to SCO XENIX System V?
Bruce A. Mitchell
- Screen query
Miramar [Eugene Mok]
- emacs
Christopher Molnar
- (g)prof on Sun's
Rob Montgomery
- grep
Michael Moore
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Paul Moore
- Disk and file system partitions question
Paul Moore
- Terminfo file wanted for Panasonic KX-P1124 printer
Paul Moore
- Looking for Screen Splitting program for shell enviroment
Joe Muller
- New Login: need crypt
Nachiappan Muthu
- Expanding wildcard options to main()
Harold Naparst
- expanding wildcard options to main
Harold Naparst
- Flags with more than one letter
Harold Naparst
- Bourne shell syntax problem?
Barbara Nash
- Bourne shell syntax problem?
Barbara Nash
- Bourne shell syntax problem?
Barbara Nash
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Paul Nash
- A UNIX question
Rob J. Nauta
- Dutch Hackers
Rob J. Nauta
- DISCONNECT command for the UNIX system
John Navarra
- keyboard history editing
John Navarra
- undelete ?
John 'tms' Navarra
- Looking for Screen Splitting program for shell enviroment
John 'tms' Navarra
- undelete ?
John 'tms' Navarra
- Screen
John 'tms' Navarra
- "Glob"
John 'tms' Navarra
- Searching the output of last
John 'tms' Navarra
- Searching the output of last
John 'tms' Navarra
- Flags with more than one letter
Art Neilson
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Taed Nelson
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Taed Nelson
- Makefile for Compressed files (.o.Z)
Taed Nelson
- Word-oriented GREP
Taed Nelson
- random numbers in awk?
Taed Nelson
- MAKE -- dependent dependencies
Taed Nelson
- Data range used by UUCICO?
Lyndon Nerenberg
- texinfo - what is it?
Paul Nevai
- mknod for BSD 4.3
Quang Ngo
- KSH-How do I make a variable run a function upon invocation?
J.B. Nicholson
- Help with reading the keyboard
- onintr, trap, etc.
Mike O'Connor
- onintr, trap, etc.
Mike O'Connor
- Forwarding mail under system V
Mike O'Connor
- Named Pipes across NFS?
Kai Shing O'Yang
- SVR4.0
- Wren IV cache (was: Re: CDC Wren IV = Seagate 4376N)
Dave Olson
- Hardware flow control for TTY ports under V.3
Greg Onufer
- Looking for Wiring Hardware
Jason Ornstein
- hide cursor in the curses?
Srcan Osmanagich
- Would somebody please explain?
Ed Otto
- tn3270 source code for VAX 11/785/Ultrix 3.1
Ed Otto
- rn won't let me follow-up
K.S. Palmer
- FTP directories
Matthew Sean Pardo
- How to catch a snoopy sysadmin?
Hascall John Paul
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Rey Paulo
- Extended ASCII characters
Rey Paulo
- One handed UNIX, Emacs for disabled person?
Eric Pepke
- printing out manual pages
Don Perkins
- BBS under COHERENT ?
Steve Pershing
- Named Pipes across NFS?
Frank Peters
- comp.unix & info-unix
Chuck L. Peterson
- inetd.conf
John Pew
- Where do I get admin utilities? + crypt
Andrew Phillips
- OCR under UNIX
John E. Phillips
- Equinox Drivers
John E. Phillips
- Where To Fine Kermit For UNIX
Michael Phillips
- getting home directories
Gaumond Pierre
- Changing the keyboard for a SPARC +1 to Swedish
DEE Tomas Pihl
- Personal NFS?
Eric Pilger
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Israel Pinkas
- The swich with dailight savings time
Israel Pinkas
- Is the source code for xterm available? How can I get it?
Yusuf Pisan
- The switch to daylight savings time
Andy Piziali
- exabyte to exabyte copy -- How?
George Planansky
- Marking misspelled words with a script (csh, sh, perl, whatever)
Glen W. Plantz
- SunOS 4.1 talk
Ronald van der Pol
- The swich with dailight savings time
Ronald van der Pol
- Proper method of tarring to a pipe, without ``blocksize=1'' later?
- Looking for Screen Splitting program for shell enviroment
Michael Prusynski
- Removing shell temp files
Dennis Pulyk
- Installing perl 4.0/03 on SCO UNIX 3.2.2
Jean-Pierre Radley
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Steve Ralston
- keyboard history editing
Chet Ramey
- How can a program find path to its binary file?
Kenny Ranerup
- Capture a talk session
Matt Ranney
- Pty/ttys - info wanted...
Without Reason
- Type-ahead in unix
Jim Rees
- gtar & ctar
Tony Reeves
- ctar or gtar
Tony Reeves
- simultaneous bidirectional file tranfer
Richard Reiner
- lex and yacc help desired
Tony Rems
- Checkpointing For Unix?
Bill Reynolds
- Binary File Compatibility Between ULTRIX and Other UNIX Systems
Richard Siggins, B-150B, Eastman Chemical Company Research, X- 3762
- Where To Fine Kermit For UNIX
Richard Siggins, B-150B, Eastman Chemical Company Research, X- 3762
- Would somebody please explain?
Neil Rickert
- printing out manual pages
Neil Rickert
- "Glob"
Dennis Ritchie
- Unix users groups
Jim Roberts
- Extracting SCCS Metrics
Jim Roche
- Searching the output of last
Raul Rockwell
- shell script to...
Jim Rogers
- undelete ?
Paul Rolland
- ftp getsockname?
Mark Rosen
- "Following" these subject messages
Mark Rosen
- "Following" these subject messages
Mark Rosen
- serial ports
Chip Rosenthal
- root and boot floppy on ISC
Marc Rossner
- Makefile for Compressed files (.o.Z)
Marc Rossner
- Program to proofread text for mismatched braces
Rouben Rostamian
- Would somebody please explain?
Rouben Rostamian
- Would sombody please explain? (SUMMARY)
Rouben Rostamian
- Bourne shell syntax problem?
Charles D. Roten
- Survey for sys admin
Rita Rouvalis
- Looking for a UNIX/TCP/IP course.
- Delimeters when using the "cut" tool.
Curt Sampson
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Curt Sampson
- Using dd for file recovery.
Ed Sanborn
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Mike Sangrey
- CAI Courseware for UNIX?
Mike Santangelo
- SunOS 4.1 talk
Nick Sayer
- A Sun computer and an Apple printer
Nick Sayer
- Finger logger: several questions
Nick Sayer
- System V shared memory
Brian Scearce
- The swich with dailight savings time
Scott Scheingold
Scott Scheingold
- SCO response to the problem of daylight savings time
Scott Scheingold
- sorting a BIG file
Mike Schmelzer
- sorting a BIG file
Mike Schmelzer
- sorting a BIG file (solved)
Mike Schmelzer
- Word-oriented GREP
Randal L. Schwartz
- need AWK help: lowercase, trim trailing spaces
Randal L. Schwartz
- need AWK help: lowercase, trim trailing spaces
Randal L. Schwartz
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Scott Schwartz
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Scott Schwartz
- How do I restrict telnet?
James Scott
- Init/Console problem
James Scott
- How to pass shell variables to awk?
Peter Scott
- How does a shell know if it's in the foreground or the background?
Peter Scott
- Passing std in/out file descriptors between processes
Steve Scott
- How to change the login message of telnetd?
Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy
- How to change the login message of telnetd? (Summary)
Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy
- Anyone has Network manuals for HP9000/3XX running HP-UX 5.5?
Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy
- A UNIX question
Piyush B. Sevalia
- Using lpr to print text..
John Sfetsas
- What exactly does "blocking" mean ?
Nirad Sharma
- ICL tape handling
Tony Shaughnessy
- reverse-tee, or, merging stdout's
Robert Shaw
- Wren IV cache (was: Re: CDC Wren IV = Seagate 4376N)
Kent L Shephard
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Charles Shub
- DSZ ZMODEM problem
Ray Shwake
- Any Anon UUCP sources for Kermit 5A? <was: Where To Find Kermit...>
Ray Shwake
- determining if DCE device is ready
Peter da Silva
- Would somebody please explain?
Peter da Silva
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Peter da Silva
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Peter da Silva
- Improved Unix terminal emulation from MSDOS
Daniel G. Simmons
- INFO-UNIX Digest V12#061
Scott Singer
- INFO-UNIX Digest V12#083
Scott Singer
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Johannes Sjogren
- What is it? (was Re: Current Run-Level: How can you tell?)
David F. Skoll
- Forwarding mail under system V
Paul Slootman
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Paul Slootman
- mkdir has stopped working (max. link count)
Paul Slootman
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Paul Slootman
- Watching the FINGER command
C.W. Southern
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
Henry Spencer
- Truncating an existing file (and lockf question)
Edward T Spire
- Would somebody please explain?
Cliff Stanford
- Searching the output of last
Cliff Stanford
- simultaneous bidirectional file tranfer
Aris Stathakis
- interactive 3.2 parallel port messages
Perry L. Statham
- keyboard history editing
Michael Steckner
- Does any one know of an SPSS server?
Peter Steele
- Syslog won't start with "loghost" DNS entry???
Peter Steele
- lpd goes to sleep after *every* print job???
Peter Steele
- Any one use REELbackup?
Peter Steele
- Where has all my disk space gone?
Peter Steele
- uunet!bria!mike (WAS Re: how to delete a file from a tar?)
Michael Stefanik
- What is it? (was Re: Current Run-Level: How can you tell?)
Michael Stefanik
- killing processes thru' C programs
Michael Stefanik
- special characters in vi 304
Lyle A. Steinhardt
- Special character 304 in vi
Lyle A. Steinhardt
- script question
Larry Stern
- unwanted control characters in downloads
Larry Stern
- Type-ahead in unix
Fred Stluka
- CDC Disk repairs
Bill Kamp/MetaComp Resp. Marty Storma
- SUN unix performance tests anyone?
Kean Stump
- grep
Kartik Subbarao
- Can't forward mail
Kartik Subbarao
- Where has all my disk space gone?
Kartik Subbarao
- identifying processes that own sockets
Kartik Subbarao
- Current Run-Level: How can you tell?
Kartik Subbarao
- How does a shell know if it's in the foreground or the background?
Kartik Subbarao
- Inode Ref. Count
Krishna Sudarshan
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
Johanes Suhardjo
- the file that got away (was: undelete?)
- mmdf configuration
- Interactive vs SCO Customer "Aggressiveness"
Lele Gaifax as idea's SysAdm
- UNIX commands in C
Jason Tanner
- Is UUX looking too closely at its arguments?
John Temples
- How to translate from f/s block # to absolute disk sector?
John Temples
- Norton Go Home (Revisited)
John Temples
- grep
Marten Terpstra
- tar problems: continued on archive 2
Don Thomson
- Meaning of %CPU in top/ps
Don Thomson
- RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Chip) vs. CISC
Jason W. Tice
- script question
Mike Tietel
- Request: dbx / emacs interface
James Tizard
- Type-ahead in unix
Richard Tobin
- How can a child learn of its parents termination?
Richard Tobin
- Type-ahead in unix
Richard Tobin
- Type-ahead in unix
Richard Tobin
- Files for all devices??
Chris Torek
- Resolved tar-to-a-pipe problem ("tar: blocksize=1")
Chris Torek
- Passing arrays of strings
Chris Torek
- Type-ahead in unix
Chris Torek
- The swich with dailight savings time
Chris Torek
- Type-ahead in unix
Chris Torek
- Type-ahead in unix
Chris Torek
- Internet Sites
Chris Torek
- RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Chip) vs. CISC
Chris Torek
- killing processes thru' C programs
Chris Torek
- Can sh or csh do this VMS DCL trick??
Chris Torek
- File System and ZBR disks
Chris Torek
- UNIX commands in C
Chris Torek
- .project & .plan (finger) What are they?
Victor Torres
- named pipe across NFS
Tim Tsai
- Named Pipes across NFS?
Tim Tsai
- Named Pipes across NFS?
Tim Tsai
- Modem causes system to reboot.
Rick Tucker
- HELP: Telnet Z-Modem transfer problem!
Warren Tucker
- special characters in vi 304
Lars Tunkrans
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Dave Turner
- "Too many file names" in vi
Lyndon VanWagner
- "too many file names" in vi
Lyndon VanWagner
- keyboard history editing
Bruce Varney
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Bruce Varney
- Expanding wildcard options to main()
Bruce Varney
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Bruce Varney
- autoexecution of a program by tty
Bruce Varney
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Bruce Varney
- keyboard history editing
Bruce Varney
- bash 1.07
Bruce Varney
- undelete ?
Bruce Varney
- SunOS 4.1 talk
Vincent M. Del Vecchio
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xenix
Holger Veit
- System V: mailx -H; Ultrix: ???
Adri Verhoef
- Forwarding mail under system V
Adri Verhoef
- conditional substitutes
Andre Verweij
- Internet registration
Ed Vielmetti
- Radio clock time for Unix
Ed Vielmetti
- Finger logging program
Christopher R Volpe
- Finger logging program
Christopher R Volpe
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
Rodney Volz
- TELNET Problem
Sgt Richard J. Wachter
- lex and yacc help desired
Allen Wade
- Searching the output of last
Larry Wall
- INIT: Command is respawning too rapidly...
Fred Walter
- termcap for wyse30?
Jeff Wandling
- Unix disk duplication....
- running a PC app on a Sun ( V12#087)
Earl Weaver
- rm'ing an open file (was Re: Where has all my disk space gone?)
Ken Weaverling
- MS Windows on VP/ix on Interactive UNIX 2.2
Howard Weiss
- Windows 3.0 and VPix (on Interactive UNIX 2.2)
Howard Weiss
- RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Chip) vs. CISC
Martin Weitzel
- Personal NFS?
Jerry Whelan
- Searching the output of last
Jerry Whelan
- e-mail splitter
Doug White
- undelete
Doug White
- xargs
Marc Wiener
- As documentation wanted.
Gerry Wildenberg
- Headings and footings for email
Gerry Wildenberg
- UUCP Setup Problem
Thomas Wilkinson
- GCC as a cross-compiler
Pauline van Winsen
- Using GCC as a cross-compiler
Pauline van Winsen
- sorting
Mark Winsor
- Type-ahead in unix
Dik T. Winter
- How to change the login message of telnetd? (Summary)
Bill Wisner
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
The Grey Wolf
- hiding files under a mount point.
The Grey Wolf
- exabyte to exabyte copy -- How?
The Grey Wolf
- signal & slow devices
Christophe Wolfhugel
- unwanted control characters in downloads
Christophe Wolfhugel
- Finger logger (was: Re: Finger logger: several questions)
Christophe Wolfhugel
- Time problem
Christophe Wolfhugel
- printing out manual pages
Ian Woodrow
- root and boot floppy on ISC
Greg A. Woods
- nroff -mm macro question
Greg A. Woods
- SysVR4 process accounting.
Greg A. Woods
- Unix users groups
Greg A. Woods
- bad blocks on 3B2
Greg A. Woods
- What should a system V administrator know ?
Jon W{tte
- TIOCEXCL and recovering from it.
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- determining if DCE device is ready
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- pcomm 1.2 woes
Amir J. Katz Xpert
- MIT X11R4 man pages glitches?
Amir J. Katz Xpert
- Internet Sites
Jules Andrew Yasuna
- Finding people on the network
Raymond Yee
- printing out manual pages
Raymond Yee
- Return status of 'rsh'
Peter Yeung
- random numbers in awk?
Ozan Yigit
- Lunar (Chinese) Calendar
J-S Yoo
- *FAQ on unix and the answers*
Ed Zhong
- Need help setting up termios for use with a pseudo terminal.
Chris Ziomkowski
- How to alias EXIT or any CSH command
Christos S. Zoulas
- mkdir has stopped working - SCO Xen
neese at adaptx1.UUCP
- Spreadsheets for 386 Unix.
Usenet news administrator
- RCP: can't encode arguments (???)
jay d. anderson
- STREAMS async example?
terry bohning
- Preprocessor Usage Question
terry bohning
- Creating IBM Labeled Tapes
williams at cac.stratus.com
sleejy at cc.curtin.edu.au
- sockets
paolo ciancarini
- "lpr" and my stupidity
lavinus at csgrad.cs.vt.edu
- Makefile for Compressed files (.o.Z)
XITIJSCH%DDATHD21.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.edu
- Problem with Xenix compiler
Rob_Steven_Kramarz at cup.portal.com
- BBS under COHERENT ?
Luciano d'Agostino
- (none)
ROsman%ASS%SwRI05 at d15vs178a.space.swri.edu
- cc problem finding gethostname, vfork... and ksh environment variable,
dave davis
- Type-ahead in unix
drake at drake.almaden.ibm.com
- How to work with tape drives?
jay dubb
- Archiving ucode object files
gomatam at ecs.umass.edu
- "Glob"
- sayonara bye bye
rbemben at enigma.prime.com
- Emailing Files
mintca20 at fac.anu.edu.au
- Personal NFS?
- Need Multi-Volume Dump Facility
phd_ivo at gsbacd.uchicago.edu
- Boot time message on a SparcStation
bala s guthy
- Help with TLI on Suns
rmdubash at hermes.cs.uh.edu
- Wren IV cache (was: Re: CDC Wren IV = Seagate 4376N)
Ken Seefried iii
- ESIX 5.3.2 question
- How do I tell when a directory is empty in a script?
- Unix disk duplication....
- Algorithm used in compress/decompress ?
- Bourne shell syntax problem?
- The switch to daylight savings time
- Removing shell temp files
- random numbers in awk?
- Truncating an existing file (and lockf question)
- RISC (Reduced Instruction-Set Chip) vs. CISC
terry a jones
- make to handle Imakefiles
archerb at kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
- CPU load generation and performance measurement on Sparcstation(4.0.3)
Srinivas R. Kulkarni kulkarni at umn-cs.cs.umn.edu
- csh alias command
michael "krill-man" lee
- Would somebody please explain?
xtdn at levels.sait.edu.au
- removing file w/ ^J with csh is strange.
g liu
- *unsubscribe]
sguduguntla at lynx.northeastern.edu
- delete
hernande at nadc.nadc.navy.mil
- Defect Table
- script question
- script question
- Process reassignment
colburn at penelope.Oswego.EDU
- looking for a UNIX job scheduler
d3e608 at pnli.pnl.gov
- how do I apply a patch to a file?
d3e608 at pnli.pnl.gov
- ascii tape
JTUCKER%cs-den.prime.com at relay.cs.net
- (none)
LARRY.G%csswr1.prime.com at relay.cs.net
- Please remove me from your list
NRQ%pbn49.prime.com at relay.cs.net
- unsubscribe
TONYA%csg2.prime.com at relay.cs.net
- One handed UNIX
hugh_davies.wgc1 at rx.xerox.com
- Internet Sites
hugh_davies.wgc1 at rx.xerox.com
- (none)
JOANNE at s37.prime.com
- Unix Stack Frame Questions
terryl at sail.LABS.TEK.COM
- UNIX commands in C
- mm & nroff
simon shields
- CAT to DXF tools
iis!venkat at sun.com
- Ultrix ed compatible to VMS
farmak at talos.cc.uch.gr
- Need Kermit for AT&T PC 7300
krjone01 at ulkyvx.bitnet
- killing processes thru' C programs
grx0736 at uoft02.utoledo.edu
- killing processes through C programs
grx0736 at uoft02.utoledo.edu
- How to change the login message of telnetd?
j.f.van valkenburg
- hide cursor in the curses?
j.f.van valkenburg
- Can I pass variables to rlogin?
umh at vax5.cit.cornell.edu
- Summary: passing variables to rlogin
umh at vax5.cit.cornell.edu
- Accessing terminfo
- lex and yacc help desired
allen wade
- where is there documentation on Unix mail format?
Brian_L._Heess.ES_XC15 at xerox.com
- INFO-UNIX Digest V12#060
Brian_L._Heess.ES_XC15 at xerox.com
- Sorting mail files chronologically on Unix
Leisner.henr801c at xerox.com
- documentation for Unix mail file format
leisner.wbst139 at xerox.com
- X11 for SUN Workstations
shimon yitzhak
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 22:55:50 AEST 1991
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:46:00 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).