386BSD Berkeley Port Info Wanted

Michael Harlow u855203 at probitas.cs.utas.edu.au
Wed Apr 10 01:51:17 AEST 1991

Magazines are a little slow down here, with Feb Dr Dobbs due soon.
Can anyone enlighten me on the current opinions about the port of
4.3BSD to the 386 (known as 386BSD).  I have emailed twice over the
last month to the address given in the January article (william at berkeley.edu)
with no reply.  The University here would qualify for access to the system
but I need a contact name/address/number to get the ball rolling.
Does anyone have some details they wish to share ? (maybe from later
editions of Dr Dobbs that won't appear down under for another 3 months 8(
This is getting quite urgent, and is holding some Thesis work up (including

Thanks, Mike.
| Michael Harlow          |  u855203 at bruny.cc.utas.edu.au             |
| GPO Box 1201,           |  u855203 at probitas.cs.utas.edu.au          |
| Hobart, 7001            |  Computer Science Department,             |
| Tasmania, Australia     |  University of Tasmania.                  |

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