Looking for Screen Splitting program for shell enviroment

Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM
Fri Apr 12 21:16:02 AEST 1991

>>>>> On 11 Apr 91 14:02:22 GMT, joem at nos850.UUCP (Joe Muller) said:

Joe>   Here at nos850 we do not yet have the capabilities of using a
Joe> windows enviroment such as X Windows, so I was wondering if there
Joe> are any programs out there that will allow one to split the
Joe> screen into 2 or 3 sections with a shell process running in each
Joe> one.

In GNU Emacs, (describe-function (quote shell))

Run an inferior shell, with I/O through buffer *shell*.

Adding this:

(defun named-shell (shell-name)
  "Named shells"
  (interactive "sShell name: ")
  (cond ((get-buffer shell-name) (switch-to-buffer shell-name))
        (t (shell) (rename-buffer shell-name))))

brings us up to your requirements.  Follow the newsgroups gnu.emacs.*
and comp.emacs for how to obtain GNU Emacs, as you say you can't FTP.
Dan_Jacobson at ATT.COM  Naperville IL USA  +1 708 979 6364

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