bash 1.07

Bruce Varney asg at
Wed Apr 10 06:20:33 AEST 1991

to xitijsch at ddathd21 - my mailer cannot reach you - please try to
determina a path by which I will be able to get to you. In the mean
time I will post my response to your query here - since there is no
other way to get it to you. please mail me when you read this so that I
know you got it.
To all others - sorry if I am wasting bandwidth. 

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
}>> RCPT To:<xitijsch at>
<<< 501 Syntax Error. Unexpected Token '@'
554 xitijsch at ddathd21@vm... Remote protocol error

   ----- Unsent message follows -----
Received: by (5.61/Purdue_CC)
	id AA13907; Tue, 9 Apr 91 15:15:00 -0500
From: asg (Bruce Varney)
Message-Id: <9104092015.AA13907 at>
Subject: Re: bash 1.07 (was: keyboard history editing on comp.unix.questions) (fwd)
To: xitijsch at
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 91 15:14:58 EST
Needs: Your attention
Requests: You use your brain

the first try failed, so I tried an alternate path, thus the fact that
this is a "second-hand article"
the >>'s are your mail to me and the >'s are my response
According to asg:
}From asg Tue Apr  9 15:09:06 1991
}Subject: Re: bash 1.07 (was: keyboard history editing on comp.unix.questions)
}Date: Tue, 9 Apr 91 15:09:06 EST
}In-Reply-To: <9104091917.AA04560 at>; from "*" at Apr 9, 91 9:06 pm
}Purpose: _R_i_d_ _t_h_e_ _w_o_r_l_d_ _o_f_ _i_d_i_o_t_s
}Needs: Your attention
}Requests: You use your brain
}According to *:
}>> The size depends on your machine. It is only 200K here. And the occasional
}>> core dump problem has been fixed with bash1.07 as far as I can tell - as
}>> long as you compile it right!
}>Where is bash 1.07 ??
}>Yesterday (8 Apr 1991 10:45:09 EDT) I've got a dir list from
}> It says:
}>>> -rw-r--r--  1 14910    wheel       21055 Mar 11  1990 bash-1.05-patches.tar.Z
}>>> -rw-r--r--  1 14910    wheel      389006 Mar  2  1990 bash-1.05.tar.Z
}>I thought prep is the main GNU archive site !?
}>May you help me and give me a pointer?
}It has not been "oficially " released yet, but the cwru version has. 
}It can be found on in the file
}(or maybe it is /pub/gnu/bash/bash-1.07..... - you get the picture)
}I have made a coupla useful mods to it as well:
}* history_control: 
}   -If set to ignoredups, no command begining with "hist" is put on the
}     history list.
}   -If set to ignoredups, and IGNORE_SMALL is set to a positive integer,
}     any command with fewer characters than the value of IGNORE_SMALL
}     is not saved on the history list
}   -Previous two diffs expanded to include when history_control is set
}     to ignore_space, or unset
}   -variable name changed from IGNORE_SMALL to LINE_EDIT_MIN
}* bashline.c
}   -created function expand-line which expands only history. This is done
}     for the following to be effective
}       "\C-[\C-x" expand-line
}       "\C-[ " self-insert
}       " " "^[^X^[ "
}     this will expand !stuff (ala tcsh). 
}     Gee, the advantages to tcsh seem to be vanishing!
}* readline:
}   -New realine functions "forward-char-search" and "backward-char-search"
}     emulate f and F in vi-editing-mode.
}   -New builtin command "init"
}       init filename
}     Reads filename for new key bindings. filename is in the format
}     of a .inputrc file. This is often if you log in from different
}     terminals regularly. You could do something like:
}	case $TERM in
}	     z29) init $HOME/.inputrc.z29    ;;
}	   vt100) init $HOME/.inputrc.vt100  ;;
}	  wyse50) init $HOME/.inputrc.wyse50 ;;
}	esac
}    -New readline function kill-whole-line kills entire line no matter
}    	where you are.
}    -New builtin command bind
}        bind 'key: action'
}       binds a key interactively.
}If you would like any of these just ask.
}have fun!
}			Bruce
}-How long must we fight? How long        Courtesy of Bruce Varney
} until we can live in peace.             aka -> The Grand Master
}-Until the madmen are dead my son,       asg at
} Or until they realize that they         PUCC
} Cannot count on us to do nothing

                                   ###             ##
Courtesy of Bruce Varney           ###               #
aka -> The Grand Master                               #
asg at             ###    #####       #
PUCC                               ###                #
;-)                                 #                #
;'>                                #               ##

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