uPort SysV/AT Upgrades to V.3.2 and V.4

Tim Evans tkevans at fallst.UUCP
Wed Dec 5 12:08:54 AEST 1990

Not to provoke anything here, but according to the people at
Microport's 800 sales number, they're offering 40% off list for
upgrades to System V.3.2 and/or V.4 for SysV/AT users.  List prices
quoted were $1,200 and $1,500, respectively, for "complete"
V.3.2 and V.4 packages, with "everything" (X and networking specifically
mentioned).  They didn't tell me if they're actually shipping...
Sales literature promised.
UUCP:		{rutgers|ames|uunet}!mimsy!woodb!fallst!tkevans
INTERNET:	tkevans%fallst at wb3ffv.ampr.org
Tim Evans	2201 Brookhaven Ct, Fallston, MD 21047

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