4 Port Serial Boards
Jeffrey K. Johnson/65536
jeff at marichal.austin.ibm.com
Tue Oct 16 03:04:16 AEST 1990
In <1990Oct15.005916.21858 at unixland.uucp> bill at unixland.uucp (Bill Heiser) writes:
>If one of these 4-port boards is installed in a 386, can the existing
>two serial ports (on a generic i/o card) remain installed, giving a
>total of 6 ports (plus retaining the parallel port on that card)?
Yes. I have an AST-Four Port/DOS and a DFI 2s/1p/1g I/O card installed. I
just set the 4port to its alternate address and left the 2 DFI serial
ports at their defaults. I installed FAS for the 4port and left the two
other using the ASY driver. I will eventually switch them to FAS.
Everything works fine.
Jeff Johnson 10926 Jollyville Rd #1420
Computer Consultant Austin, TX 78759 (512) 343 0675
Email -> uunet!cs.utexas.edu!ibmchs!auschs!marichal.austin.ibm.com!jeff
Disclaimer: "My views and opinions do not reflect those of IBM"
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