NFS set file attribute problem on 386/ix
Niklas Hallqvist
niklas at
Fri Oct 19 02:50:00 AEST 1990
Hello NFS people!
I have a TCP/IP network with NFS on top of it. Some of the
nodes run Interactive 386/ix 2.0.1 (I think) who acts rather strangely
when I try to set file attributes. If some attributes are unspecified
(e.g uid, gid or mode) they get changed anyway to -1. I know this is
mentioned in the NFS manual for 386/ix. What I'm asking here is not
why this happens, that I understand, but what to do about it. Does
someone know how to patch nfsd or nfs.o? Have someone done a new
version of the RP (remote procedure) which handles the set file attributes
call? Or maybe a RPC filter listening to the original NFS socket,
forwarding some calls to a another port, after reconfiguring nfsd to
listen this new port, and implementing new versions of other RPs.
I'm interested in hints, partial or complete solutions to my problem.
Thanks in advance,
Niklas Hallqvist Phone: +46-(0)31-19 14 85
Applitron Datasystem Fax: +46-(0)31-19 80 89
N. Gubberogatan 30 Email: niklas at
S-416 63 GOTEBORG, Sweden sunic!chalmers!appli!niklas
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