LPI-C on ISC - linking with curses library

Stig Jacobsen shj at login.dkuug.dk
Fri Sep 21 05:47:56 AEST 1990

Does anybody know how to link LPI-C programs with curses under 
Interactive UNIX V/386.
The LPI-C manual clearly states that it is not recommendable to
link with both the LPI ANSI libraries and the system libraries at the
same time.
Can it really be true that it is not possible to write programs in
LPI-C that uses curses ???
Please, if anybody has tried it and knows the scrolls that I have to
read, please let me know !!
Mads Westermann
71210.1012 at compuserve.com
(Please respond to this address as a friend is posting this for me)

Stig Jacobsen
shj at login.dkuug.dk

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