LPI-C on ISC - linking with curses library

Frank Kaefer fkk at stasys.sta.sub.org
Tue Sep 25 08:56:23 AEST 1990

shj at login.dkuug.dk (Stig Jacobsen) writes:

|Does anybody know how to link LPI-C programs with curses under 
|Interactive UNIX V/386.
|Can it really be true that it is not possible to write programs in
|LPI-C that uses curses ???
|Please, if anybody has tried it and knows the scrolls that I have to
|read, please let me know !!

Oh, I am also VERY interested in that !

Btw: I cannot compile GCC with 2.2 - it compiled fine without changes
in 2.0.2, but now GCC makes many problems (includes, alloca).

Thanks a lot in advance,
| Frank Kaefer | fkk at stasys.sta.sub.org | Starnberg, West Germany |
| (Compuserve: 72427,2101) | Internet: fkk at Germany.SUN.COM        |

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