ST-0x SCSI driver

Tin Le tin at szebra.szebra.uucp
Fri Sep 14 16:31:38 AEST 1990

   Announcing a Seagate ST-02 driver for ISC V/386 v2.0.2.  This is a
   modification of the ST-01 driver by Tatu Ylonen.  It should still
   work with the ST-01 controller (I don't have an ST-01 to test),
   however it won't work on Microport any longer (use the original
   driver for that).

   What's an ST-02 (or ST-01)?  It's a low cost SCSI host adapter (read
   "cheap") by Seagate.  The ST-02 also has floppy controller on board
   (for both 5 1/4" and 3 1/2" floppies, 360K to 1.44MB).  It has a ROM
   BIOS (for DOS to boot up on).

Advantages:  cheap (I bought mine for about $50 including tax), will
   work with other hard disk ctrlrs in your system (I used it and a
   WD 1003 in my system).

Disadvantages: 8bit bus (to the PC), no DMA (interrupt driven), no
   software (till now).  You can't boot up on it (not for UNIX, but DOS
   is OK).

   Seagate really intended it for the MSDOS world.  You're supposed to
   buy their specially marked HD that is already formatted and has their
   softwares on it for further partitioning or reformatting.

   Now that you understand a little about this card, here's the deal.
   The ST-01 driver by Tatu was for Microport V3.00e, so I made some
   changes to get it working with ISC v2.0.2.  I believe I've also made
   it slightly faster.  It's been running for a while here on szebra,
   controlling a CDC Wren III, which is my news partition.  I think
   it is stable enough to release.

   So for about $50, plus about 1/2 an hour to install the driver, you
   can have a SCSI subsystem.  Compare that to other SCSI controllers 
   out there for PC, I couldn't find anything less than $250.  Best of
   all, the software is free.  I've sent mail to Tatu to let him know
   of my changes and got his ok to release it.

   I am polishing the documentation right now, so it will be out soon.

-- Tin Le

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