C++ Compilers for PC Unix Systems

David C. Barber dbarber at pnet01.cts.com
Fri Sep 14 14:56:02 AEST 1990

Are there any good (i.e. full implementation and 32-bit code generation) C++
compilers for PC based Unix systems?  In particular, I'm running ESIX (Everex
Unix based on AT&T + BSD 4.3).
                                        *David Barber*

UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!dbarber
ARPA: crash!pnet01!dbarber at nosc.mil
INET: dbarber at pnet01.cts.com
[Everyone I know uses G++.  I have also seen ads in the trade press for
various ports of AT&T C++, and a preannouncement in comp.lang.c++ of
Zortech. -John]
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