Hmmm, so SCO-ODT does work on some 486's!

Fred Rump fred at cdin-1.UUCP
Sat Sep 22 07:51:44 AEST 1990

firewind at xroads.UUCP (Tom Parker) writes:

>SCO's claim that ODT runs on "any '486":  I still wonder about it.  Has
>anybody had any problems with installing ODT on a 486?  I know of five
>systems that do run it, but what about other systems that *don't*?

So far we've none that it would fail on.

On the whole though, we use practically only AMI boards. It's safer to stick 
with a known vendor who will back his product to work.

With most boards it's only a renaming of the brand name anyway. The bios seems 
to make the difference.

Fred Rump              | Home of Brother John Software 
CompuData, Inc.        | 
10501 Drummond Rd.     | Bang: {uunet dsinc}!cdin-1!fred  (800-223-DATA)        Philadelphia, Pa. 19154| Internet: fred at COMPU.COM         (215-824-3000)

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