setluid(0) in SCO ?

Steve Scherf steve at altos86.Altos.COM
Wed Sep 26 10:23:03 AEST 1990

In article <738 at tetrauk.UUCP> paul at tetrauk.UUCP (Paul Ashton) writes:
>In article <2434 at> fransh at (Frans van Hattem) writes:
>>I'm trying to use 'ct' under SCO UnixV.3.2 but it won't work?; :-(
>>Everything goes well, but when I have to login again (after I'v been called back) I get an error:
>>	"Bad login user id"
>When login runs it expects to be able to call setluid(S) to set the immutable
>login user id, which can never after be changed. Unfortunately since your
>luid has already been set, this will fail and bomb out.

In Altos Unix, if you have C2 relaxed you can call setluid() as often as
you want. The annoying thing is 'ct' still doesn't work! (for other reasons)
I don't understand why they even bother to ship a utility that will never
Steve Scherf
steve at Altos.COM    ...!{sun|sco|pyramid|amdahl|uunet}!altos!steve

These opinions are solely mine, but others may share them if they like.

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