why does vi insist on deleting to big chunks of my precious code???

Andy Toy andy at mks.com
Sat Sep 22 08:11:58 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep7.033215.22324 at hades.ausonics.oz.au> greyham at hades.ausonics.oz.au (Greyham Stoney) writes:
>So, what's YOUR favourite "delete from cursor to EOF" vi sequence?.

d]] will delete from the cursor to the end of the section (EOF if you
have no sections).  Or d} if you have no paragraphs.
Andy Toy, Mortice Kern Systems Inc.,       Internet: andy at mks.com
  35 King Street North, Waterloo,       UUCP: uunet!watmath!mks!andy
      Ontario, CANADA N2J 2W9      Phone: 519-884-2251  FAX: 519-884-8861

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