Altos Device Driver Question

Bruce Himebaugh bruce at ACT.UUCP
Fri Sep 21 23:22:26 AEST 1990

I am in the process of writing some device drivers for an Altos Series 2000.
I'm relatively new to device driver writing and I have some questions...

How do I find the base addresses of such items as the parallel printer port and
tty ports?  I've looked in the /usr/include and /usr/include/sys directories,
but can't find what I need.  Maybe I'm just overlooking it?

Also, is there any documentation available from Altos (or whoever) describing
the more technical details of the Altos (e.g. base addresses, etc.)?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!


Bruce Himebaugh             A.C.T. Consulting, Inc.         Voice: 216-455-1444
   PATHS: uunet!{ncoast,aablue}!fmsystm!bmhalh!ACT!bruce
          (NOTE: the system name "fmsystm" is with no "e", NOT "fmsystem")
  *NOTE*: Please do not use bruce at ACT.UUCP -- I'm not registered yet.

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