IBM model P70 and ISC2.2 ???

Dave Truckenmiller dave at
Thu Sep 13 09:45:04 AEST 1990

Does anyone have any experience running an IBM model P70 386 with ISC 2.2?
We have such a beast here (The model P70 is the portable not to be confused
with the model 70 which is the desktop machine.), and ISC 2.2 will load up 
fine but the plasma display does something that can only be described as
StRaNgE.  The machine has a 115MB ESDI hard disk and 8MB of memory, along
with one of those cutsie 3.5" diskette drives.

1.  The machine works perfectly with DOS 3.3.  (I know, I know, I should
    stop there :-) )

2.  All the diagnostics from the "Reference Diskette" say it is OK.

3.  When I boot ISC 2.2 the message "Booting the unix system" is OK, but
    as soon as the next screen appears (the one with the memory count and
    and the copyright messages on it) the screen starts doing a pixel
    shuffle that looks like a sideways jiggle.  This persists until I turn
    off the machine.  If I boot DOS again, everything is fine.

    This happens on all the VT screens and the console.   It happens even
    before I login, and persists after login, and through vi's, etc.  I 
    wrote a little c program to change the Ioctl values (display(7)), but 
    this had no effect, except to completely blank the screen when not set
    to VGAMONO80x25 (value 25).

    If I plug a *real* monitor (Well, the monitor from the IBM model 80)
    into the monitor port in the back of the P70, then I get both the Plasma
    display (with the jiggle) and the monitor display (which is perfect).
    This, however, is not a very portable configuration.

4.  Interactive support in Hollis checked around and they claim that the
    model 70 is supported, but the P70 is NOT, since neither they nor the
    Santa Monica office has one.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  We really wanted to use the P70's as
a sales demonstrator, but the jiggly screen won't show well in front of
prospective clients.  We aren't an IBM shop or anything, but we did want
to run on IBM hardware...

Thanks in advance,
dave at         or older ways: {uunet,sun!rtech,unisoft}!medicus!dave

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