150 - 250 MB Tape Drives?

John Lawitzke jhl at kira.uucp
Tue Sep 18 06:23:27 AEST 1990

>From article <2443 at sud509.ed.ray.com>, by heiser at tdw201.ed.ray.com:
$ In article <3259 at anomaly.sbs.com> mpd at anomaly.sbs.com (Michael P. Deignan) writes:
$>mark at intek01.uucp (Mark McWiggins) writes:
$>I can highly recommend Archive 150mb tape backups. I've seen them mail order
$>for about $800, internal unit with controller card.          

This would be the Archive 2150L drive with a VP402 controller.

$>>Also, I presume these 150 and 250 MB drives will also read/write standard
$>>60 MB tapes?  

No. The 2150L will read 60MB (QIC-24) tapes. DC6150 tapes will write in
QIC-150, giving 150MB storage capacity. The DC600A (the standard 60MB
tape) will write in QIC-120 format, giving 120MB storage capacity.

$ How about a SCSI tapedrive that will connect directly to my Adaptec 1542b?
$ It doesn't seem like I should need another controller card ...

Archive makes the 2150S tape drive which is a SCSI version of their
2150L tape drive. I've used this drive fine on an Adaptec 1540B under
Intel's SVR4, on a Future Domain controller under Xenix and MSDOS.

j                               |%|John Lawitzke, Dale Computer Corp., R&D
                                |%|UUCP: uunet!mailrus!sharkey!dale1!jhl
				|%|  or: uunet!frith!dale1!jhl
Inquiring minds just wondering. |%|Internet: jhl at frith.egr.msu.edu

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