Info. &| source for FTP

Warren D. Calhoun calhoun at usaos.uucp
Sun Sep 9 20:42:41 AEST 1990

In <526 at oss670.UUCP> tkevans at oss670.UUCP (Tim Evans) writes:

>>Try sending mail to  bitftp at and have the body of
>>the message read:


>The trouble with these instructions is that they _presume_ the sender
>is on the Internet:  you tell them to send mail to an Internet
>address (actually, to a bitnet address).  These people don't have
>Internet access, or they wouldn't have to ask about how to do

>If you are on the UUCP network, direct your mail to (assuming you have
>access somehow to uunet):


I'm not "on the Internet" but I have no problem mailing to an "Internet"
address.  I don't think the instructions were at all presumptuous.  True,
including a bang-path might have been nice for those who couldn't figure
it out (and who also don't have access to a smart mailer), but I doubt that
the author intended to be giving a lesson on addressing schemes.

In point of fact, I am a UUCP only site and, upon reading the orginal post,
immediately tried it.  Using the address supplied worked perfectly.
| SSG W.D. Calhoun                  |       UUCP: ...!uunet!usaos!calhoun    |
| Gas Turbine Engine (52F) Branch   |   INTERNET: calhoun%usaos at |
| The U.S. Army Ordnance School     | CompUServe: 76336.2212 at  |
| Fort Belvoir, Virginia  22060     |      Voice: (703) 664-3396/3595        | 

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