Info. &| source for FTP

Tim Evans tkevans at oss670.UUCP
Sun Sep 9 00:39:19 AEST 1990

In <4 at> jdeitch at (Jim Deitch) writes:

>In article <1990Sep3.173507.16986 at nshore.uucp> uunet!ncoast!nshore!steve (Stephen J. Walick) writes:
>>As quoted from <121 at alfrat.uucp> by roy at alfrat.uucp (Roy Phillips):
>>| Can anyone help out?    There are lots of sites offering highly
>>| desireable utilities, etc., out there (Emacs, to name one) that 
>>| all require 'ftp' - which we don't happen to have, and which I

>Try sending mail to  bitftp at and have the body of
>the message read:


The trouble with these instructions is that they _presume_ the sender
is on the Internet:  you tell them to send mail to an Internet
address (actually, to a bitnet address).  These people don't have
Internet access, or they wouldn't have to ask about how to do

If you are on the UUCP network, direct your mail to (assuming you have
access somehow to uunet):


cc:Mail		Tim K. Evans at ~OSS
UUCP 		...!{rutgers|ames|uunet}!mimsy!woodb!tkevans
INTERNET	tkevans%woodb at   PHONE:  (301) 965-3286
US MAIL		6401 Security Blvd, 2-Q-2 Operations, Baltimore, MD  21235	

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