Info. &| source for FTP

Jim Deitch jdeitch at
Tue Sep 4 10:05:36 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep3.173507.16986 at nshore.uucp> uunet!ncoast!nshore!steve (Stephen J. Walick) writes:
>As quoted from <121 at alfrat.uucp> by roy at alfrat.uucp (Roy Phillips):
>| Can anyone help out?    There are lots of sites offering highly
>| desireable utilities, etc., out there (Emacs, to name one) that 
>| all require 'ftp' - which we don't happen to have, and which I
>| know precisely squat about ... If anybody can enlighten me, and
>| perhaps point me in the direction of the necessary source, I'd
>| be much obliged! (no ftp, please!).  We are running AT&T/Intel
>| Unix SysV R3 on i386/i486 hardware (Intel 303, 520).
>Can I ask that this information be posted.  I, too, am in same category
>knowing nothning about 'ftp' and wishing that I could connect to a site
>to get the souces that are very desirale.  Can, perhaps, < comp.misc >
>post an article defining 'FTP' besides just "listing" the sites?  I
>think a lot of 'net' users would be most grateful.         Steve Walick
>Stephen J. Walick, Asst Sysop of the  < XBBS >  program  at  NCoast.ORG
>uunet!ncoast!nshore!steve                       nshore!steve at

Try sending mail to  bitftp at and have the body of
the message read:


Nothing else.  You will get back a message telling you how to use the
Bitnet FTP mail service.  You can get most of the ftp stuff you see
advertised through this service delivered in your mailbox.



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