X.25 software for i386 needed
Marc Boucher
marc at PostImage.COM
Sun Apr 14 16:30:16 AEST 1991
janm at dramba.neis.oz (Jan Mikkelsen) writes:
>In article <1991Apr09.054346.18025 at modtor.uucp> peter at modtor.uucp (Peter Ziobrzynski) writes:
>>Does anybody know about the software package that works as X.25 PAD and runs
>>on i386? It would provide connection over the synchronous modem line.
>>Preferably it would be implemented over Sys.V. Streams and the virtual
>>circuits would be available as /dev node files.
>>I heard about ADAX but very long time ago and their quality was very poor then.
>>The company names and phone numbers would be greatly appreciated.
>>Peter Ziobrzynski, peter@{modtor,nixtdc}.UUCP, (416)496-8510 or (416)625-1684
>We have just been through the process of getting a similar product. We
>tried hard to get Adax to work, but couldn't. Nor could the Australian
>We also tried Symicron, where we could at least bring the link up, but
>it had no X.28 PAD facility. No end user software at all really, just
>a library. Incoming calls didn't work properly either. All of the
>Australian installed sites developed their own application specific
>software using the library provided.
>We are now running System Strategies Inc. X.25 Express software with an
>Emulex DCP-286i card. This does the job very well; incoming and outgoing
>calls work fine. The only real problem is the lack of a streams interface,
>making outgoing UUCP calls very difficult. Virtual circuits are not
>available as devices. If you want to write an application which uses X.25
>directly, you must use their library.
>Jan Mikkelsen
>janm at dramba.neis.oz.AU or janm%dramba.neis.oz at metro.ucc.su.oz.au
>"She really is."
NetCom II by The Software Group fully supports X.29 streams using the
normal unix tty interface. I have successfully used UUCP over X.25 with
their software, a year or so ago..
ask Derek Vair (derek at tsgfred.UUCP) for more info.
Marc Boucher Internet: marc at PostImage.COM BIX: mboucher
Dir., Informatique Telephone: (514) 489-8989 FAX: 489-0242
(H) PostImage Inc. 6265 St-Jacques O., Montreal QC Canada H4B 1T8
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