Current Run-Level: How can you tell?

Peter da Silva peter at
Thu Apr 25 08:52:48 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr23.024433.10460 at srwic.UUCP> sralston at srwic.UUCP (Steve Ralston) writes:
> Sorry as I'm sure this is a FAQ or RTFM question, but, I've looked quite
> a few places and can't find a way to tell what the current run level of
> a Unix system is (i.e. "init" level).

Assuming you're using System V (which is the only place I know of run
levels in anyway)...

	% who -r
	   .       run-level 3  Apr 22 08:26    3    0    S


In C, you could easily grovel through /etc/utmp if you don't want to
fork a popen.
Peter da Silva.  `-_-'  peter at
+1 713 274 5180.  'U`  "Have you hugged your wolf today?"

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