Emacs term def -- Message Summary
geoff at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
geoff at vax1.mankato.msus.edu
Tue Apr 30 06:09:23 AEST 1991
(MESSAGE SUMMARY) topic: Emacs AT386 keyboard definition files
First I would like to thank all of the people that so promptly sent me
information on this subject.
Ths information I recieved includes a terminal definition script
writtem in the emacs lisp code that needs to be edited to taste and placed into
the directory .../emacs/lisp/term. I also recieved a neat fix to cure the
backspace problem(backspace is ctrl-h -- which usually brings up help in
emacs). These files are appended to the end of this posting. Again thankyou.
** Geoff Kuchera
* *
* A-427 Crawford Hall
* ** ** ** Mankato, MN 56001
** * * (507) 389-1691
* *
** ** Internet: Geoff at Vax1.Mankato.MSUS.EDU
Thankyou to David Kessner for the following information:
Take the file located at the end of this message, and place it in
..emacs/lisp/term/at386.el. When EMACS starts up, it looks at the terminal
type, then looks in that directory for a lisp file to run (to set up for that
terminal). Normally, the at386 is not included with EMACS. That same file
may be _copied_ to xterm.el (after making a backup of the old xterm.el file)
so that you can have EMACS in an xterm window.
I have tried this under ESIX, and the documentation (for at386.el) says it
was for ISC. It should also work under SCO...
In addition, I have found a nice little tip recently. Put this in your
.emacs file:
(global-unset-key "\C-h")
(global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char)
(global-unset-key "\M-/");
(global-set-key "\M-/" 'help-for-help)
It maked the backspace work like a backspace key should work, rather than
calling up the help menu. To bring up help, press M-/ (a.k.a. Alt-?). The
DEL key is unchanged-- I never did figure out how to make it behave like a
DEL key...
---------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------------
;;From: apple!scenic.wa.com!pauld (Paul Barton-Davis)
;;Sender: apple!ai.mit.edu!gnulists
;;To: bram!joe at verdix.verdix.com
;;Cc: info-gnu-emacs at prep.ai.mit.edu
;;Subject: M- and Keypad keys for ISC 386/ix
;;Date: Mon, 17 Dec 90 09:09:03 PST
;;Joe - here's my AT386.el, used with ISC 386/ix. Put this in a directory
;;called term, a subdirectory of your load path ....
;;Paul Barton-Davis <pauld at scenic.wa.com>
;;ScenicSoft, Inc.
;;(206) 776-7760 "Stand down Margaret, stand down please ..."
;; Function key bindings for AT386 (actually, a poor NCR emulation)
;; Paul Davis <scenic!pauld at uunet.uu.net> Nov 1989
;; Modified by Kayvan Sylvan - Tue Dec 18 15:45:25 1990
;; Made Alt-keys be the equivalent of Meta keys.
(defvar at386-esc-O-map (make-sparse-keymap)
"Keymap for AT386 ESC-O encoded function keys")
(defvar at386-esc-b-map (make-sparse-keymap)
"Keymap for AT386 ESC-[ encoded function keys")
(defvar at386-alt-map (copy-keymap esc-map)
"Keymap for ALTered keys (which are preceded by ESC-N)")
(define-key esc-map "O" at386-esc-O-map)
(define-key esc-map "[" at386-esc-b-map)
(define-key esc-map "N" at386-alt-map)
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "P" 'vm) ; F1
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "Q" 'gnus) ; F2
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "R" 'cmushell) ; F3
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "S" 'dired) ; F4
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "T" 'find-file) ; F5
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "U" 'find-file-other-window) ; F6
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "V" 'other-window) ; F7
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "W" 'switch-to-buffer) ; F8
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "X" 'save-buffer) ; F9
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "Y" 'delete-other-windows) ; F10
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "Z" 'compile) ; F11
(define-key at386-esc-O-map "A" 'replace-regexp) ; F12
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "@" 'yank) ; Insert
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "H" 'beginning-of-buffer) ; Home
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "V" 'scroll-down) ; Page Up
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "Y" 'end-of-buffer) ; End
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "U" 'scroll-up) ; Page Down
;; ANSI cursor arrows
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "A" 'previous-line) ; up
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "B" 'next-line) ; down
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "C" 'forward-char) ; right
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "D" 'backward-char) ; left
;; Numeric keypad (without Number Lock)
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "S" 'eval-expression) ; -
(define-key at386-esc-b-map "T" 'execute-extended-command) ; +
;; ALT-ered keys are preceded by the escape sequence ESC-N
(defun ignore-key ()
;(define-key at386-alt-map "a" 'beginning-of-defun)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "b" 'backward-word)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "c" 'shell-command)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "d" 'beginning-of-defun)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "e" 'end-of-defun)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "f" 'forward-word)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "g" 'grep)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "h" 'help-command)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "i" 'indent-region)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "j" 'ignore-key)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "k" 'kill-rectangle)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "l" 'goto-line)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "m" 'delete-matching-lines)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "n" 'delete-non-matching-lines)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "o" 'occur)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "p" 'lpr-buffer)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "q" 'ignore-key)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "r" 'isearch-backward-regexp)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "s" 'shell-command-on-region)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "t" 'transpose-sexps)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "u" 'ignore-key)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "v" 'ignore-key)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "w" 'forward-word)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "x" 'forward-sexp)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "y" 'yank-rectangle)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "z" 'backward-sexp)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "/" 'dabbrev-expand)
;(define-key at386-alt-map "[" 'forward-paragraph)
;(define-key global-map "\C-h" 'backward-delete-char-untabify) ; BACKSPACE
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