ESIX *does* support RLL (was Re: Does ESIX still not support RLL?)
Glenn Geers
glenn at
Sun Apr 28 10:40:09 AEST 1991
>From article <78 at overlf.UUCP>, by emanuele at overlf.UUCP (Mark A. Emanuele):
> In article <513 at>, bill at (Bill Pechter) writes:
>> In article <3080 at cirrusl.UUCP> Rahul Dhesi <dhesi at cirrus.COM> writes:
>> >
>> >How can ESIX even know whether the controller uses RLL? How can
>> >anybody find this out without ripping the disk apart and analyzing the
>> >bit-patterns stored on the platter?
>> If there's more than the standard number of MFM sectors per track -- you lose.
>> RLL does 25, ERLL (Perstor) does 31... So if the driver expects 1-17 only...
>> you may not see your full disk sizes (at best).
> For all it's bad points, SCO DOES support all kinds of ODD Hard disks.
> That's one of the reasons I still use it.
My primary hard disk and controller are an ST4144R disk and a WD-1006vsr2
controller. The only trouble I've had is the notorious lock-up problem.
I've cured this by formatting 2:1, so I lose a little speed but it's a
lot better than crashing (anyway I've got a 209 Mb SCSI as my other drive :-) ).
ESIX does detect that the primary drive is RLL. That's ESIX rev. D - the only
version I've used.
> --
> Mark A. Emanuele
> V.P. Engineering Overleaf, Inc.
> 218 Summit Ave Fords, NJ 08863
> (908) 738-8486 emanuele at overlf.UUCP
Glenn Geers | "So when it's over,
| we're back to people.
Department of Theoretical Physics | Just to prove that human touch
The University of Sydney | can have no equal."
Sydney NSW 2006 Australia | - Basia Trzetrzelewska, 'Prime Time TV'
Phone: +61 2 692-3241 (voice) |_________________________________________
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glenn at | #include <standard_disclaimer.h>
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