posting fixes, license, and the u-area bug

Dick Dunn rcd at
Sat Feb 23 19:00:50 AEST 1991

flint at (Flint Pellett) writes:
> cpcahil at virtech.uucp (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
> >This will take time.  I too thought posting the fix would be appropriate, but
> >if there is a licensing agreement that stands in the way, there is nothing that
> >ISC can do about it.
> Wrong.  ISC can go to AT&T and say "Please give us permission to
> violate the licensing agreement and post this fix."...

#ifndef reality

Wait...OK, I get it!  Marty should just spend a little of her copious free
time, or perhaps do it on her lunch hour...just drop by the local AT&T
office and have a friendly chat, say "By the way, we've got this little
problem, so would you folks mind if we posted, oh, say a couple hundred Kb
of the code we license from you?"  I'm sure AT&T won't mind if we say
"pretty please".


Folks, I really *do*not* intend to be snide.  But let's keep some per-
spective here.
	- Even if no other considerations applied, and even if the
	  corrected code applied to os.o alone, it would require a quarter
	  meg of code.  A posting has to be done in 7-bit, so normal tools
	  will expand this to a third of a meg.  A posting that large is
	  rude, crude, and socially unacceptable to the point of overt
	- ISC is not small, but AT&T has more lawyers than ISC has
	  employees.  Even if approval could be granted, it would take
	  far longer than it will take for ISC to put out a fix.  You DO
	  NOT just go ask a complicated question with various contractual
	  implications of a large organization and get a quick answer.
	  The time to answer such questions is measured in months.
	- AT&T is serious about its "intellectual property rights" in the
	  broad sense.  I assume you folks have seen the postings regarding
	  AT&T contacting commercial members of the X consortium for roy-
	  alties on using backing store?  Think about it.

Dick Dunn     rcd at -or- ico!rcd       Boulder, CO   (303)449-2870
   ...But is it art?

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