physmem config for 16mb DECstation 3100

Michael McGuffey mcguffey at muvms1.bitnet
Fri Jul 28 21:29:37 AEST 1989

I have a DECstation 3100 config question:

In the config file, the physmem definition is set at 8, but we have
a 16MB machine.  Is this correct?  Unfortunately, the Configuration
File Maintenance docs skip the physmem description but describe 
everything else.


-- michael
Michael McGuffey, Senior Software Applications Analyst
Phone:    304/696-3212			University Computer Center 
FAX:      304/696-3601			Marshall University
BITNET:   mcguffey at muvms1		Huntington, WV 25755-5320
Internet: mcguffey%muvms3 at

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