physmem config for 16mb DECstation 3100

Chris Cordrey chris at
Sat Jul 29 04:45:57 AEST 1989

In article <5576 at muvms1.bitnet>, mcguffey at muvms1.bitnet (Michael McGuffey) writes:
> I have a DECstation 3100 config question:
> In the config file, the physmem definition is set at 8, but we have
> a 16MB machine.  Is this correct?  Unfortunately, the Configuration

Is it possible that you're looking at a copy of the GENERIC config file?
if your system had 16 Meg at installation then the installation should have
put 16 in your host-specific config file.  physmem should be 16 if you have
16 Meg.

Hopefully all 16 Meg are being recognized by your system (i.e. are working).
How much memory do you see when you utter

csh>  uerf | grep mem


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