DS3100, Gnu-emacs, and X11

George Hartzell hartzell at spike.colorado.edu
Sun Jul 16 10:13:23 AEST 1989

I am using Gnu-emacs 18.54 on a color DECstation 3100 running
UWS2.1/3.1.  I built it using the s-bsd-4.3.h and m-mips.h files,
changing the byte order pound define and the -lmld ld flag in
m-mips.h.  It seems to work fine, but after a couple of minutes of
work something weird happens.  The most noticable manifestation is
that key-click gets turned on, and (less reproducibly) certain
keystrokes start disappearing.  The missing keystrokes *might* be
being interpreted as the "compose key" somehow; the first key stroke
is ignored, the second generates a beep, and the third is recognized.

Has anyone out there had similar experiences, or does anyone have any
suggestions for work arounds/fixes?  

George Hartzell			                  (303) 492-4535
 MCD Biology, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309
hartzell at Boulder.Colorado.EDU  ..!{ncar,nbires}!boulder!hartzell

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