ultrix 3.0 tty patch

David C. White davew at gvgpsa.GVG.TEK.COM
Thu Jul 13 15:52:03 AEST 1989

In article <7270 at cbmvax.UUCP> grr at cbmvax.UUCP (George Robbins) writes:
>One of the patches from the Support Center included this description
>of problems with the terminal drivers:

How does one go about getting patches from the Support Center?  The
last time I was talking to them about a problem they mentioned a patch
tape that I should have and when I asked how to get it, I was told to
talk to my sales rep.  I tried that and both of the DEC sales reps that
I deal with coudn't find any reference at all to any patch tape.  I
also see that a lot of people are running 3.1 now.  Our software is
under contract, but 3.1 still hasn't shown up yet.  What gives?
David White	Grass Valley Group, Inc.   VOICE: +1 916.478.3052
P.O. Box 1114  	Grass Valley, CA  95945    FAX: +1 916.478.3778

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